Where The Heart Is

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Tsuyoi let herself be swept along by Sakura, her new shimai. Natsukashii was growing stronger, not only in size but in strength. Her tongue felt numb, as if it had been overworked. Their footsteps echoed in down the hallways. This place had always been too big. But it had been her home, her prison, her refuge, for almost ten years now. She had hated it, yes, but she didn't even realize how much it was actually a part of her, how much it meant to her. She'd spent her whole life hating it. A strange emotion rose in her chest then. Is this...regret?

Sakura turned right, and then left, and then left again. Tsuyoi blinked in surprise when Sakura finally placed her hand on a door. They've been here for almost a week...but it seems they aren't affected by the atmosphere as I am. Maybe it's just another building to them, but to me it has a history. She was left pondering with the strange thought as Sakura knocked lightly and pulled it open.

"Sakura-chan! Is Tsuyoi with you?" Tomoe's voice floated to her.

"Yes," Sakura replied brightly, pushing the door open wider. Naruto was standing behind a Shoji folding screen; Tsuyoi could see the tips of his hair over the top of it. Tomoe stood on the other side of it. In her arms lay Naruto's folded orange-and-black outfit. And the kimono for him was draped over the side of the folding screen. Which could only mean...

Heat exploded over her face. Naruto isn't wearing any clothes! She covered her face with her hands and turned back towards the door, ready to run.

It's called underwear, Natsukashii teased.

You know what? Shut the hell up, you! How would you know? As she fussed at Kashii, Tsuyoi felt a jolt jump through her.

"T-tsuyoi?" Naruto's voice came over to her. "Are you in here?"

"Um...uh...yeah..." He must have realized I was in here. Tsuyoi patted her hair, then pulled her hands away. She didn't know what Sakura had done to it and she didn't want to mess it up.

"Tomoe," she said, "Is there a mirror in here?"

Tomoe turned to respond, then froze. A soft look came to her eye. She smiled warmly. "Yes. I'll get one for you. Fukuo, doesn't she look magnificent?" Fukuo came around the other corner of the wall at her sister's summons and gasped.

"Oh, you look beautiful, Tsuyoi!" Fukuo said, putting both hands on her heart.

Tsuyoi flushed. "That doesn't mean anything if I can't see it for myself," she grumbled, wary of such girlish attention.

"Don't get embarrassed! Here, I'll get you a mirror from the next room." Fukuo bustled past her, carrying a basket of linens with her.

"Hurry up and put your kimono on already, Naruto!" Sakura scolded. She had moved to stand beside Tomoe.

"I'm coming, Sakura, geez," he shot back.

Tsuyoi listened carefully to their banter whenever she could. Truth be told, she was fascinated with it. There was such a strong connection between the two of them, something unbreakable. She loved listening to it. It was like a song that she'd forgotten the words to. She thought back. As much as Tomoe and Fukuo loved her, the relationship they could have with her was limited. The patrons were only allowed to be around when it was necessary. When it was time to train or read or eat, but nothing else. And Chizu was a crazy old bat. Ten years of being remotely alone but to now suddenly be surrounded by volume and life and other people - it was a strange phenomenon indeed.

Tsuyoi's attention snapped back to the shoji when Naruto stepped around it. Her jaw nearly dropped in shock. He looked amazing. The white kimono with gold trim fit him like a dream. Tsuyoi's mind spun with activity. She didn't even know what to say. Then he turned around and looked at her.

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