The 25th Annual Hunger Games: 1st Quarter Quell

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Breif Info:

This is a fanfic story of a woman who was chosen to participate in the 1st Quarter Quell together with her lover. As the events unfold, she ends up falling in love with another district's tribute, a career and was once her enemy, the one from 2. That tribute also fell in love with her, but how can they continue loving each other when there should only be one victor?



Still Under the Capitol's Mercy - the future just before the 75th Hunger Games

Part 1: Sister - prior to the 25th Hunger Games, tells about the main character's sister and her subsequent death in the arena

Part 2: The Tributes -tells the beginning of the main character's story years after her sister's death. It continues up to the beginning of her own tragic adventure after the theme of the quell was announced. It is because she was sent to be the tribute by the citizens themselves and together with Julius, they became District 7 representatives for the 1st Quarter Quell. It ends in the Chariot Parade just before they went to the Training Center.

Part 3: The Games 

To be updated

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