Chapter 5: The Tributes: Friends to Lovers

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Author's Note: This is the beginning of Part 2 of the book named as "The Tributes". Keep reading Guys and Thanks a lot =))

It's almost 5 years since the Thistledeens lost Marina. Serena is now 17 and Julius 18.

It was early in the morning where the sun hasn't risen yet,

"Where are you going at this early in the morning, trainin' again?" , asked Bran.

"I'm gonna go hunt. Wild Birds.", answered Serena.

"Why don't you rest for a bit? Wait for Julius and go hunt together, you're not just friends and training partners you know, you hunt together.", said Bran.

"I would but...he wouldn't talk to me. We never talked to each other for about 2 weeks already", answered Serena while looking away from her brother's eyes.

"Oh. I wondered what you did wrong?", teased Bran.

Serena turned away from her brother saying, "It's not my fault. I have no idea what his problems are".

She went outside the fence surrounding their district from the point where she detects when the current's shut. There was a time given particularly for her to know when the current will be shut. It was the head peacekeeper who personally allowed her to hunt. It was her hobby if she doesn't want to work in the district's main production. The head peacekeeper actually liked her. She was sweet with him, and when she was allowed to hunt, she was able to kill a wild turkey. She gave it cooked to the head peacekeeper together with a sweet thank you note. From then on, the peacekeeper set a time where the gates were fully powered, and she, her parents and brother, and Julius only knows this, besides the other peacekeepers. She hunts for animals as well as wild berries. If she has extra, she would sell it to the mayor and to those who can give a fair decent amount. The people envied her because the peacekeepers let her out.

Using her favorite knife, she was able to target a rabbit. Afterwards, she went to their, Julius and her usual meeting place when they hunt. The place was so quiet. But it was dark, being under the shadows of the trees. Little by little, she saw an orange light in the center. Bran was there and he held her hand, escorting her to the center. She saw him. He was amazing in her formal clothes, but she never saw him wear formal clothes before except during reapings. He was holding a bouquet of red roses wrapped beautifully together. As they are nearing the place where Julius stands, Bran said, "Just say yes okay?". After escorting her, he left the two alone.

Both smiled at each other and there was a long pause, which was broken when Serena began speaking.

"What's up? You look amazing", began Serena. "I thought you hated me. I mean you never talked to me these past days and now your smiling at me."

"Well, I was actually planning something with your brother.", said Julius

"And... that is?", asked Serena

"I want the two of us to be.... M o r e t h a n f r i e n d s.... Can I ask for your hand, and answer yes, I would be your lover."

"...Actually I'm not yet ready for this."

There was a long pause. Julius's face becoming sad and disappointed was noticeable. He said, "It's...It's okay. I kinda expected this". Then he looked at her eyes and smiled at her pretending as if it didn't hurt.

"But...if ever we would not be chosen for the games, this is where it would lead right. I mean, of all the people here in District 7, it's you who has the biggest chance to win my heart, it's you who I want to be with out of all people here in the district, so Y E S. I'd be your girl."

The expression in Julius's face changed rapidly. Before she can react, he hugged her and jumped out of happiness.

"It's a bit wrong-timing though... I mean, it's about a week from now... The Hunger Games...", said Serena

"I know. I just want a motivation if ever I'll be reaped. I mean, it's my last year and I take the tesserae so, my names written there by a lot.", said Julius.

"Cut the crap already.", said Serena.

"The odds are in your favor. You're not taking the tesserae. But nevertheless, if ever I'm reaped I'll return for you."

Serena smiled at him. Then they returned home. The two ate the rabbit Serena killed.

It's getting darker so Serena went home and rested. She was happy but she's confused about whether it was the right thing to answer 'yes' to Julius. It's true that she has a crush on him, but is it too early for her to say yes. Is he the guy she wants to be with? But if she's going to get engaged in any male here in District 7, she'd personally choose him, besides there's no way to live in other district of Panem. So she felt a bit at ease. He loves her anyway and she feels it. And she wants to stay with him for as long as possible. That's how close they are. She just hopes that none of them will be reaped for the hunger games. But things won't go as they planned......



A week before the 25th Hunger Games, Serena woke up early to hunt. She was distracted by the fact that Julius wasn't taking to her for 2 weeks then. She was surprised when she saw him together with her brother, in the woods carrying a bouquet of red roses. He gave it to her and asked her to be his girl. Although confused with her feelings for him, she said yes thinking that of all the people in the district, it is he who she'd rather end up with. But there's a problem. One of them if not both can still be reaped and that will end their relationship...

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