Chapter 6: The Tributes: Announcing the Theme

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Early in the morning the following day Serena and Julius went to see the justice building. They were surprised to see the Capitol people arriving and already working when the reaping is going to be after 5 days, and it is still early in the morning. They see the peacekeepers setting up live television in homes and in the justice building. Usually they set it up a day before or on the day itself of the reaping, and the escort, Spikelet Selkirk, is usually seen roaming around the justice hall with that disgusted look in her face. But she wasn’t there and there was the question about what could have happened. Is the reaping happening earlier this year? Is Spikelet replaced and promoted to the Career Districts? No one in the District knows probably except the mayor, and those peacekeepers.

The two don’t know the peacekeepers so they decided to talk to the mayor instead but the peacekeepers simply blocked them and ask them to wait. This late afternoon, the president has important announcements concerning all of Panem and concerning the Hunger Games itself. The two left wondering if the hunger games are at its end. So they just spent the day together enjoying and enjoying thinking that the Capitol finally got tired of the ruthless kills. Little did they know is that they are up to a more disastrous fate.

The time passed and the citizens were gathered in the justice building. Those unable to walk are forced to watch and listen to the president’s announcement at their homes. Those in the justice building are grouped based on families with the ones starting from A in the front and Z in the back. Julius and Serena thought until then that the announcement is to cancel all the hunger games and that they are free to live their lives after. But they were wrong. Soon the citizens see the president in the large monitor in the square about to make his speech.

He speaks:

To all of Panem, I know that it is surprising to most of you about this sudden announcement that concerns all of you, the Districts, the Capitol and the Hunger Games.

First of all, I want to remind all the 12 remaining districts who rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them, that it is because of YOU that the hunger games are happening. You, districts, caused a terrible war to occur ending lives of thousands, millions. But your acts were defeated and so, the hunger games was decreed. One surviving victor out of the 24 tributes will be bathed in riches for reminding the Capitol’s forgiveness and so…

This announcement is not the end of the games.”

The excitement and relief in the faces of both Serena and Julius turned to worry and curiosity of what was occurring. Is there a new rule? Will the games be paused for the year? Can 2 tributes win? Will only one tribute be reaped for each year? They keep wondering.

The president continues,

This announcement is for a new rule happening every 25 years where the games will be Quarter Quells. Quarter Quells serve as the reminder of the districts’ defeat to us and will continue to do so.

It was actually decided at the beginning of the hunger games whereby the current president will pick at the yellow cards you see on screen to mark the theme of the year’s quell. And you will see live what it is.”

The president picks at random one yellow card and reads it aloud,

The theme of the year’s quell is to remind the citizens of the various districts of Panem that YOU are the ones who sent their children to war and it is you fault why there is the Hunger Games. It is you who sent your children to their deaths by the war you made. And so, the theme will not be ordinary. It will be harder, more difficult.

Because the citizens of each district will be the ones to send and choose one female and male representative for the year’s Quell. There will be no reaping balls to reap. And you have 5 more days to choose which is which. Two days before the games, peacekeepers will be around in the square and all of, ages 12 and up are required to choose from the candidates in the screen provided by them. Once you’ve voted, you will be marked by a special ink in your finger to signal that you’re already done. The peacekeepers will give the results to the mayor and on the reaping day, the mayor will give the result to the escort given in each district.

Further announcements will be instructed by the officials themselves. The policies for volunteering still apply.

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.”

The screens black out. A moment of silence covered the square. Serena and Julius, they were worried. What if they were both chosen? How can they kill each other? Why does the citizens have to be the one to betray their own kin. How cruel can the Capitol be?

Chapter Summary:

The president called for a live broadcast to the whole Panem. He told them about Quarter Quells that will happen every 25 years, for which there is a rule change. He picked up a yellow card for the theme of the year’s quell and said the theme. The theme was the reapings will be extraordinary. The citizens will be the one to choose which to send to the arena to fight to the death, betraying their own kin.

Keep reading guys and thanks a lot!!! Vote if you like and comment for suggestions!!

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