Chapter 13: Training: First Day - The Training Center

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***Hey guys!!! Chapter 13 marks the beginning of the next part, which will cover the events that happened at the Training Center just after the reaping... It will be composed of 5 chapters (and this is the first). So I hope you continue reading. Thank you!!!***


The tributes were brought to the training center where they will train for 3 days in a row starting at 10 in the morning. The apartment of the tributes from District 7 was located at the 7th floor. Serena and Julius, together with Spikelet and their mentor, Oak, went to that floor where they will stay before games will start.

Serena and Julius, this is where you’ll be staying for awhile. I know. I know. It’s nothing but dazzling luxury and soothing comfort so before deaths and killings arrive, make sure you enjoy all of this. Serena, the room on the right will be yours, Julius, the one on the left. Be sure to rest tonight and do something right not. Take a bath, rest for all I care. But, try to be presentable for dinner. Go on. I’ll just have you called once it’s ready.”, Spikelet calls their attention.

While feeling amazed at the room where they will be staying, the tributes noticed pale-looking girls. They seem to be afraid so Julius asked Oak, “Who are they?”

“Avoxes. Traitor citizens of Panem. Their teeth are cut off so they can’t speak. Try not to mingle with them. It’s for your own good.”

Hearing these words, Serena got angrier at their country. But she knows that there is nothing she can do for the betterment of their place.

So, the tributes went to their own rooms. Surprised by the water bed that lies, Serena lied down and rested, but she kept in mind that she has to dress up nicely and respectable for dinner. So before falling asleep, she went to the bathroom and was also amazed. There was a bathtub and hot and cold showers. The towel rack was elegant and the lightings were not too bright and not too dim. In the bathroom, the collections of soap, shampoos, perfumes and other things were vast. She decided to use the bathtub.

After enjoying her moment in the warm water, she remembered that dinner was about to be served in a moment. So, she dress up and took a black tight pants, simple but unique for-the-rich slippers, and a sleeveless shirt colored gold with blue and silver patterns in it.

A few moments later, Spikelet called her signaling that dinner was ready. So, she went to the dining room where Julius, Spikelet and Oak sat. While they eat, Oak told them about what they should do the following day once training begins. First, he wanted the two of them to stay close and not to form alliances with children as he said earlier. He also said that if they should form alliances, they should start with each other and they can include those seemingly trustworthy people but warned them not ever to trust them because of the rule that only one comes out alive.

After discussing about alliances, he told them about what they should do in the training. Instead of practicing the things that they already know and are masters of, they should focus on things they don’t know yet. Simple survival skills are included. They should know how to make fire, how to hunt, climb trees, differentiate edible fruits from poisonous, how to apply first-aid to injuries, and camouflage.

They listened carefully to every word he said, and after dinner, while away from the others, Julius told Serena that he got her back and won’t let anything happen to her. Then, he kissed her on the cheek. After that he went to his room and rested. Meanwhile, Serena couldn’t help blushing but the thought of the rule that only one will live kept bugging her. So instead of thinking about Julius, who she considers as a distraction to her winning the games and the hardest obstacle she’ll face while in the arena, she thought of her family and how she would win it for them. She went to her room and slept.

The next morning, she woke up and took a bath. While in robes after finishing her bath, she went to her room and saw in her bed her training outfit. It consists of black pants and shirt and simple shoes that were meant for training. The shirt has a big number 7 on the back where the District number was placed. When she wore it, it felt so comfortable.

They all ate breakfast together and together with Julius, they went to the basement at the site of the training. The basement looked like a big gymnasium with many sites where one can train. Then a few minutes after, a gorgeous looking lady began to speak. She began to give warnings about how each and everyone of them should take training in this gym seriously because most of them will not die because he’s killed but because of natural causes. There would be 4 compulsory exercises that will take place that day.

After her speech, the tributes lined up by district to perform the compulsory exercises. Two of the exercises will be held in the morning just before lunch and the other two in the afternoon.

All the three exercises were topped by the tributes from 1, 2 and 4, otherwise known as the Careers but they in line with them, Julius and Serena did well compared to others other than the Careers. With that, they earned the attention of the tributes including the Careers but the Careers just ignored them thinking that since they came from a poorer district, they tend to be weak. However, one Career gave Serena a stern look. He was the one from 2, the most gorgeous of the tributes. He told the others never to underestimate their opponents.

The last exercise consisted of giving them survival skills, not training them hands on but by presenting stuff that they need to know. They also gave them warning about dangerous and poisonous berries and the deadly mutts. They gave them knowledge about the Cornucopia, the one thing that they should most be familiar with while in the arena, the area where feasts are held and other stuff as well. The instructors also informed the tributes in advance that the arena is going to be a forest with many dangerous spots, though it’s not as dangerous as the succeeding quells (and the reason will be stated as the story unfold).

After giving a few more reminders, they dismissed them. Tomorrow will be their individual training in the stuff they wish to train or learn more. They head to their quarters and as soon as they entered the place, many delicacies, delicious-looking food, and many drinks, assorted in flavor, waiting at the table. Spikelet and Oak were there already waiting for the two. Together, they ate dinner and Oak asked them what they had learned and what they did.

After dinner, he told them to get some rest for tomorrow’s training and to maximize their tomorrow while he thinks of a strategy to get more sponsors for the duo. The two went to their rooms and rested but not after taking a relaxing bath.

***Next chapter...The Careers... Keep reading guys =))***

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