Chapter 19: The Games: Bloodbath

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Good day to all of you... This chapter is the start of the Games... I hope you enjoy.... Likewise, my apologies for another long update.. and if ever there are corrections in the story, well..... Anyways, if ever you have a comment or suggestion, please do let me know. Thank you for reading =)

It was this. The tragic day... The day when it will start… Live or die. Kill or be killed. Fight to live. It’s the day the games begin.

The tributes entered the tube and it suddenly goes up taking the tributes at the arena where they would fight to the death until one sole victor remains alive. The arena was an amazing sight. It’s like a forest at first sight but there were many other routes. At some parts there’s the large river, a beautiful waterfalls, a simple farming land, a jungle and a forest with many tall trees to climb and many caves to take shelter to, and to a certain place, a barren wasteland. Up in front of them was the well-known Cornucopia.

60 seconds before the games begin Serena was out of concentration. A panicking face is seen. But she began to calm. She focused her eyes on the weapons and supplies ahead.

“Just one weapon. Just one”, Serena thought to herself.

As she focused her sights she saw Julius who’s looking at her. His head moved from side to side. “What’s he doing? He’s telling me something. What? Huh!?”, Serena thought to herself and suddenly she remembered something he told her before they part ways. He told her to hide fast as soon as the bell rang and he would be the one to get weapons. “Pathetic. We’re not on the same team anyway and if you die I….”. “Stop thinking about it.” She began to focus again on running faster than the others to get a weapon.

40 seconds remaining.

Serena turned her attention to the Careers who were still wearing this threatening smile and seemed to talking to each other about their plan of eliminating the weaker ones. Their all focused to run faster than the others.

Serena’s mind was full of thoughts. “If they get to the supplies and weapons first, they’ll easily kill the rest. I have to reach it first.”

30 seconds.

Serena remembered what Oak recommended her to do. It was actually favored by Julius. But it was mostly for Serena to follow. He said it in a not-a-demand form. The thought clouded her memory. “If you’re too afraid, shaking, nervous or anything you feel that may not be suited for the bloodbath to happen, you can run away from the battle, from the supplies. Head to the river. Just think of getting some supplies and weapons while in the middle of  the games. A single mistake even just for a sec could mean life or death. And if I were you, I’m not going to engage in the bloodbath especially now that you’ve made Careers as your enemy.”

Again Serena thought, “What good will it do? They’ve been my enemies since I was reaped. Besides I’m as good as dead anyway if I don’t get my hands on a weapon. And don’t worry Oak, I’m not going to be killed easily, especially not that tribute from District 2, not Felix. I’m not going to end like Marina! I’m not going to die in this arena!”


Serena concentrated once again at the weapons not minding the others. She readied her body, positioned her legs and prepared herself. She remembered clearly what the others said about not running before the gong was heard because they’ll blow up the tribute who stepped in the pedestal early. So she carefully distanced herself. She aimed at the pack she saw, which probably contained some supplies that’ll be useful along the games. It probably contained foods and stuff and more importantly the weapon. She had sights on the axe a bit farther from her position but she decided not to get it even though she’s used to it. It’s because the Careers were near it. She didn’t want to fight them or at least not that early.


“I’m ready. Bring it on.”

3…2…1… The gong signaling that the tributes can go off their metal rings was heard and immediately, tributes began running towards the Cornucopia… Towards the supplies…

Serena reached the Cornucopia first. Without looking back or thinking, she reached for the pack of supplies and immediately targeted another weapons bag a few meters in front of her. Then out of the blue, she was almost hit by the knife thrown by Kristy. She fortunately was able to block at the last second. Although planning to throw another knife, she was stopped by an attacking male tribute, which prevented her from throwing it.

As Serena was about to escape to the forest and leave the battle, another threat approached. This time, a male tribute attempted to attack her with a machete by her back and she didn’t know that he was in that position. She almost died but Julius, just in time, saved her by throwing off a spear at the man and he died.

Serena nervously catching breaths looked at the ground seemingly without a plan. Then Julius begins to pull her and he said to her, “Snap out of it! Let’s go! Come on!!”

Then Serena nodded bravely and the two began to run. Serena was ahead of Julius as they reached for a source of water in the forest.

But as they run towards the forest, Kristy threw a knife at them. Because the two tributes were a bit far from the Cornucopia for a perfect hit, she barely hit Julius. She hit him at the left shoulder. It turns out that she was able to defeat her attacker just by herself. She’s killed him. And now she turned her attention to the tributes from 7.

“Arghh...” Julius slowed a little.

“Julius!!” Serena worriedly said.

Without thinking and doing anything else, Julius grabbed Serena’s arm and hurriedly ran towards a safer place away from the battle. “No time for this! Keep going!”

Kristy tried another hit but it didn’t work. They’re too far away for her knife to reach. Instead of going after them, she helped the other Careers to kill the other tributes. Together, the Careers were able to kill more than half of the 24 tributes participating.

Meanwhile, the tributes from 7 were safe from the bloodbath. They’ve reached a source of water far away from the Cornucopia.

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