Chapter 3: Sister: SADNESS, FEAR, HATRED-The conclusion of the 20th Hunger Games

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Marina was doing well in the games. Although fighting alone and although being a girl, she proved to be dangerous. She simultaneously killed two careers from District 1. But the strongest of the tributes and the careers who both scored 10 in the training were from District 2. They set out to find who killed the District 1 tributes by attacking the remaining tributes, although they have an idea that it was Marina who killed them. It turns out that the male tribute from District 1 is pretty attracted to her despite having a beautiful district partner.

Meanwhile, Marina washed her hands in the river. She made sure to remove the blood, signaling that it was against her heart to kill. But she has no choice. It is to kill or be killed. She wants to be with her family just like the other tributes. She wishes to see her beloved little sister.

The night passed and the cannon sounded. The female tribute from District 11 is flashed marking the death of a fallen tribute.

So far, only five tributes are left including Marina and the careers from District 2. The latter has decided to target Marina for she is the biggest threat they see.

“Only 5 left huh.” Celestia, the District 2 female tribute, sighed.

Yeah”, replied Faust, the District 2 male tribute.

I suppose you learned from the fate of our allies. I suppose that if she talks to you, you won’t fall for her. I’m not gonna rescue you sacrificing my life.”, warned Celestia.

Of course I won’t.  I already love someone and I’m not falling for her tricks”, assured Faust.

Okay… I’m not really interested who the lucky girl is but…if that’s your motivation to win, I have to tell you that I will win.”, said Celestia.

A sudden serious and sad look was seen on Faust’s face. He said, “I never plan to tell you now the one girl I admire, my motivation for this game but I’ll tell you in the right time.

You don’t need too and… what could be a wrong time here when it’s now or never. Let’s just rest for the night.”, answered Celestia.

During the night when Faust was asleep, Celestia’s thoughts were deep. She told herself, “I have to survive this game. I have too … for you.”

Meanwhile, near the river, was Marina. She was thinking about how to survive in the games to go home to her family. What moves and tactics could she still do that’s not yet known. Despite her plans, she never liked killing and felt pity to all the tributes. Her greatest threat, the District 2 tributes, are still complete and are in an alliance unlike her. She planned to find the other remaining tributes.

That same night, a cannon was heard signaling the end of another tribute.

The following day, Marina went to hunt. Unexpectedly, she saw Celestia kill that other tribute while Faust is no where to be seen. She prepared her weapon knowing that the District 2 tributes will have an advantage over her since she’s fighting alone and the death of that tribute will mean that she’s the only threat left to their district. Before ending that tribute’s life, Celestia sensed another person’s presence. She prepared herself as well and the two fought. Celestia, being a tribute marked with experience, gained the upper hand. As she’s about to kill her, Marina then begged her to have pity. “Have…mercy…I have my sister.”, she said. But it seems futile as only one victor could live after. Before killing her, Celestia answered, “We’re just the same, I have him, the person I’m gonna win this game for, and…” Before she finished, she didn’t notice Marina’s trap, a hidden weapon. It was too late for her to even react. The blow Marina gave her will finish her in a moment.

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