Chapter 4: Sister: Moving On

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Although a few steps from becoming Victor, Marina was killed by the District 2 male tribute and thus earned the title of the 20th Hunger Games Tribute. Marina died. She wasn’t able to fulfill her promise to Serena that she would return.

Serena was extremely saddened by her death. For a year she had difficulties to sleep peacefully. Her sister’s bugging her dreams. She missed her so much and the pain caused by her death made her become stronger physically determined to live and if reaped, won’t die in the arena just like her sister. That’s she promised herself. Everyday she would train secretly with the weapon she’s most familiar with, the knives. Axes only come next. Unlike her sister, she prefers killing away, far from the opponent, though her sister killed some tributes by throwing her axe. Nevertheless, she’s compatible with axes just like the people from the District.

Although sad herself, she would always try to comfort her parents who missed their daughter, and Bran who missed his sister. She felt that Bran feels to be overprotective of her and she respects it. He’s already lost a sister and if she dies, he’ll be the only child left of the Thistledeens.

She was also fumed with hatred of the guy who killed her sister and of all the District 2 male tributes. She wanted no one of them to win in the subsequent games.


“I was devastated by the death of my sister. I tried to be strong and to be like her for my family. At the same time it is easier said than done. I know I couldn’t handle the restless and sleepless nights until he came to my life”, Serena, the old woman staring at the window narrates.


It was about a year and half where she was 14 years old when she met Julius Winters. She was trying to cut a medium size tree in the woods with her axe to help his brother. Accidentally the axe she used got stuck in the tree as she was chopping it and found it difficult to remove it. When she removed it she fell to the ground where there is mud. She’s covered with it.

Most people laugh including his brother. Julius, a guy a year older than Marina, also laughed himself but offered to help Serena. From then on, they became friends … best friends.

She always train with him and the two help each other. Julius excelled in axes while Serena in knives. The two became so close. Serena described him as a kind man with pure honesty. Julius has utmost respect for her as well.

According to Serena, Julius looks better than most children from their district taking up the tesserae. His eyes, dark gray, matches the winters where it is so cold, so cold that is seems dark ahead.  She can sense that he will have a strong build when he reaches 17 or 18.  He was a handsome young man and it would be a pain for anyone who will see him die. Well, that’s what Serena felt from their first meeting.

The two best friends share a common thing. Serena’s sister died in the arena like Julius’ brother a few years before the 20th Hunger Games. Like Serena, Julius was also devastated at the loss of his brother but he has to be strong for his family and his other younger brothers. He’s taking up the tesserae.

The people from the District noticed the skills that Serena and Julius showed. They thought that if ever they would be reaped, they have the chance to win or if not, get close to winning like what Marina did. But no one can tell who will be reaped in the games.

Because of Julius, a smile was seen in Serena’s face once again. His presence made it easier for her to move on. Because of him, she constantly checks herself in the mirror. Then she would agree that she’s just like Marina. Both are beautiful compared to other citizens of their district, compared to other citizens of Panem. It seems that she has some childish crush on Julius.

Julius, on the other hand, felt pretty weird to following their meeting. He would also his look. He’s got a crush on her. Just like Serena’s brother, Bran, he’s also very protective of her as seen by the villagers. He’s learned to love her which the villagers would guess to be more than friends or more than a childish crush.

He thought to himself that if they wouldn’t be chosen for the games, he’d immediately ask for her hands to marriage.  

It’s not impossible for that to happen. District 7 is not as poor as District 12, though one threat to his plans was that never did Serena take tesserae unlike what he did. Serena came from a better family, and how could her parents approve of him, when he’s poorer than her? What will he feed her? How will he make a living for her? But then again, the Thistledeens seem to welcome him like what his family felt for her.

As each day, each month, each year, each reaping has passed, the two became closer.

Fours years passed after their first meeting, and its time for the 25th Hunger Games: 1st Quarter Quell.

 ~end of  part 1: Sister~

Chapter Summary:

Serena was extremely saddened by Marina’s death but she tries to move one for her family, for her sister and for herself. She finds difficulty in doing so as the nightmare from the past still bugs her. A year and a half after her sister’s death she meets Julius Winters, a handsome young man a year older than she is. His poorer than she is as he is taking the tesserae. The two became training partners and best friends. Eventually, the two had crushes with each other. Time passed and it is the ‘reaping’ for the 25th Annual Hunger Games.

Characters in the Chapter:

Serena Thistledeen – devastated at the loss of her sister, she tries to be normal for her family with the help of his newfound friend, Julius Winters. She has a childish crush on him. 

Julius Winters – a handsome young man poorer than Serena whom she met at the woods. He helped her get up and fix herself when she fell from chopping the tree. He eventually learned to love her much more than friends.

Author's Note:

This Chapter marks the end of Part 1 of the book which is "Sister". Next Part will be "The Tributes"... Thanks Guys!!! Keep reading

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