Everyones running away-

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- One Week and a half later -

'Everyone ready?' Anne picks up her suitcase, as our flight number is called out through the speakers.

I'm sad to be leaving New York, honestly, it's such a amazing place. The best part was that I spent it with Harry. On this break he has been the nicest and so gentlemen like. I've had such a great time with him, and he hasn't been rude or sarcy once.

We've done a bit of tourism, lay on a rooftop, visited Winter Wonderlands, had a snowball fight, gone out at 3am and built a snowman in the middle of the city, and had the best Christmas!

'Come on Liss.' Harry frowns, picking my case up and practically throwing it at the poor woman.

So, do we have the old Harry back now?

I love Harry either way.

But I find it strange how he has changed from one to the other so quickly.

'Sorry.' I come out of my day-dream, locking my fingers with Harry's and walking onto the plane. This time we are seated normally, and Harry just falls asleep. He doesn't speak, he just sleeps.


'You have landed in England. Have a good day, and we hope you enjoyed your flight.' The air-hostesses voice rings through the speakers, awakening Harry.

'Fucking hell, could they be any louder?'

'Mmmm.' I mumble, thinking and wondering why Harry has changed again.

'Come on you two.' Gemma walks past us, pulling Harry up. 'Your taxis waiting for you both.'

We have a week left off college.

A week.


'Okay. Sorry.' I rush, carrying my hand luggage off the plane.

We retrieve our cases and make our way out to the taxi.

'I guess this is goodbye.' There's tears in Anne's eyes, and Matt and Danny have already said their goodbyes before going to find a bus their all meant to catch. 'Ill see you both soon, though.'

She pulls me into a hug, before embracing Harry in one.

'See you soon Liss. It was lovely to meet you, and so fun. See you soon, and text me!' Gemma pulls me into a hug, I'm so jealous of her going off traveling now.

'I will!' I laugh, as she kisses my cheek.

Anne and Gemma cry as me and Harry clamber into the taxi and I say my last 'thank you's.' Harry just doesn't really show any emotion.

What is up with him?

He doesn't open his mouth once as we journey back to college, and the driver can clearly sense the eery silence, as can I. I can't wait to see Liam. The driver pulls up at the frat house, and this time I pay.

Nialls landrover is parked in the front, and Harry nearly smashes the window of it.

'For fucks sake.' His fists clench at his sides.

We walk up to his room, and I lie back on the bed.

I hate jetlag.

'So your staying here then?' He asks.

'What? I thought you- I'll go if you-'

'No, no. It's fine. Make yourself at home.' His voice is cold, and I can't help but think that was a sarcastic comment.

What is up with him?

'Whats up Harry?'

'Whats up with me?' He sniggers.

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