New girl

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'Okay, hunny. You'll be fine.' Carol rubs my arm, and I wipe my eyes, not wanting to be felt sorry for.

'Im fine.' I smile. 'Thanks for letting me come over and stay.'

'Anytime, hunny. We've been waiting for ages. Because your mum never allowed you.'

'She didn't.' I sigh, walking in between the three of them.

'So your okay now?' Nina asks, and I nod my head.

'Just glad I'm out the way.'

'Was it your mum?' Carol asks.

'No. It was Harry.'

'That one you told us about that time Liss? The one you went into a dream about when describing him?' Lauryn asks, and I nod.

'Why didn't I know you had a boyfriend?!' Carol asks, as we walk through the airport, lauryn wheeling my suitcase.

'You did, mum! We told you!' Nina complains, and her mum tuts.

I don't go into full detail about what happened, I don't even tell them anything. But I know I'll have too sooner or later.

'Your safe now.' Lauryn hugs me, as we walk out of the airport, the warm air hitting me.

'Welcome to Miami!' Nina laughs, and I smile, looking at my surroundings.

'You need to get out of that jumper when we get back to the house!' Carol tells me, and I nod, Harry still the centre of attention in my mind.

'And we are good listeners too. As soon as we get in, I'll make us some ice tea. Your first time staying with us will be great, we'll take your mind off everything.' Carol winks at me, and I smile, clambering into the large Audi that is parked outside.

Liam's POV

Harry is somewhat quiet, and I keep on texting Liss to see if she's okay. I hope she is.

'Go and check on her.' I tell Harry, as my phone turns itself off, due to lack of charge.

'No.' He shakes his head.

I leave it at that, hoping he knows what he's doing.

'Would it be weird to celebrate and still go to that after party that was planned if Liss is in danger?' Louis asks.

'No. Not at all. That would probably be a good idea.' I say, wanting things to be normal if Ken gets in by chance.

'Should we go?' Niall asks, and we all agree, niall a bit quiet also at the threats and danger Liss seems to be facing.

'Are you coming Harry?' I ask.


'Its only down the street from her hotel, and it will keep things normal.'

'I suspose.' He shrugs, not seeming to care that much.

His hair is stuck to his head by sweat, his hands constantly tustling the matted mess. I can't help but think something's up with him. He keeps on wondering off into his own little world.

'We'll go in 10 minutes?' Lou asks, sipping from her beer.

'Sounds good.' Louis nods.

I try and turn my phone back on, but of course there's no sign of life. I just wish Liss would have text back, my mind would have been at rest.

'What is the matter Harry?' I ask, looking over to see him leaning against the wall, looking guilty. Annoyed. Even angry?

'None of your business.' He scoffs, turning his attention to the floor.

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