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'You what?' Liam steps forward, being cocky. His forehead is nearly pressed against mine and it's incredibly awkward.

I don't answer.

'Harry, you twat! You dick! You, you - ugh!' He pushes me backwards but I don't stumble, I just shove him back. I've been through worse shit then this so a push from Liam isn't anything to me.

'You think it's okay? Do you honestly think it's okay?' He pushes me harder now, bringing his fist up above his head.

'Woah!' Niall pulls Liam away from me, and I just shake my head.

'You wouldn't have even done it!' I shake my head.

'You want a bet?' His face is burning with anger, but he's pushed back by Niall and Louis when he tries to attack me.

He wouldn't have done it. He's a fucking coward.

'Listen, mate,' Zayn starts, his lips pursed together, looking at Liam before turning to me half way through his sentence, 'I'm not stopping you Li, Harry your a twat. How many mistakes can you make? We tried to be sound with you but you don't stop. We done it for her, but you keep on knocking her down harder.'

'I agree, Harry. We didn't get on well when Liss came along, I tried, but this is just shit, mate. How many times do you think someone can go through something?' Niall adds.

'Great to know I have some friends, not that I need any, anyway.'

'Everyone needs friends, Harry. You've pushed all Liss' away, now you've left her.' Louis speaks up.

'You wonder why? Because you were all trying to get in her pants!' I shout, these boys stood in front of me are twats.

'Its because you fucked her about and we didn't know whether you were dating her or not! You never shown anything, you bossed her about and didn't make anything clear. The poor girl was confused herself, you dick!' Liam shouts out of anger, I'm going to knock his lights out if he doesn't shut his gob.

'You still carried on! Some mates you are, turning your back on me again? Ganging up? Guess what, I don't give a fuck! Your bothered about impressing her, and I'm not having it.'

I tug at my hair getting overly frustrated at these idiots stood infront of me.

'Shes my friend Harry, I've never, and will never have feelings for my bestfriend.' Liam shouts.

'Ill admit I had feelings for her, I still do, but I wouldn't date her because of you.' Niall speaks up, and I wish to god he hadn't have said that, it only adds to my anger. He still likes her? After everything I've done to prevent that?

'Harry, Zayn and Niall liked her, yeh, so fucking what? It was clear you had already marked her. They carried on because to be honest, what have you done for her?' Louis is meant to be a ''friend.'' Fuck that.

'Thanks for your support.' I roll my eyes, not bothered if they give it me or not. 'You shouldn't jump to conclusions from now on, should you? I mean, do you even know what I was going to say?'


'You fucking didn't!' I throw my arms in the air. 'You don't deserve to know either! I'll do this on my own, you think I was going to just leave her? Fuck no.'

'What are you going to do then?' Liam asks, arms folded over his chest.

'Ill do it myself.'

'Stop being stubborn, Harry. Just tell us. God damn it!'

'Why should I? You constantly blame me for being this ''dickhead.'' You know, most of the time I may be one, but I'm trying to change.''

'We apologise, lad.' Zayn shifts from his left leg to his right. I want a fucking apology from each one of them. Fucking manipulative dicks. I think they're all bi-polar, they need to make up their minds.

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