Back to him-

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With a bunch of papers tucked under my arm, I shoved some notes at the taxi driver and walked quickly towards the entrance of the court. I was informed that Diana would be transferred to an actual prison within the next week, and I needed to get her out before then.

I pushed the large doors to the court building open and rushed over to the front desk, I could tell the woman was English before I even got there because of the way she seemed to have such a drowsy approach towards her work.

'How can I help?' The woman gave me a fake smile, it quickly fading as I rifled through my papers to find a certain one. Id organised all this on the long plane journey, I re-checked the order about a thousand times to make sure everything was going to run smoothly, to make sure I was going to get her out of this place.

I was determined. Determined to actually do something, to be able to have Liss and to be able to hold her forever. The night I left, the boys were so supportive, Paul and some other management members signed some papers for me, and the boys stayed up and went over the law requirements and my actual route of winning the court order. We went through what I was going to say, and how I was going to get evidence. Niall helped me track down where Hetty was staying so she could be my evidence, and that's exactly what she is going to be.

Hetty is the only hope I have.

That we have.

Niall dropped me off at the airport 24 hours ago and we talked through our issues, for once. Niall apologised for everything, and I reluctantly returned the apology. So atleast our hard days are out the way.

'There it is.' I mumbled, pulling a letter and signed piece of paper from the bunch and handing it to the woman.

'What is this for?' She asked, looking through them.

'They are confidential.' I stammered.

'Oh, oh, sorry.' The woman closed the papers and nodded. 'To who are they to be sent?'

'The head of Diana Wilson's case. I'll have a appointment with him this afternoon, aswell.' I tried to be as professional as possible, but someone who smoked weed as a living a year ago, was not the type of man to have a professional head. I was just not that type of person, and so this fake act wasn't going to last long.


'This afternoon.'

'2am.' She didn't even look at her timetable, she just told me a time.

'Good enough, and what time are visiting times?'


'Right, okay.' I re-thought my plan deciding not to go to the visiting time, because I'd be rushed and might not make it to this appointment. 'Have him give me a ring within the next hour, too.'

'Sure.' The woman's fake smile re-appeared, although it was clear she didn't like me. 'All done, we'll see you at two.'

I nodded before turning around and heading out the door, now to 67 Blake Lane.

Lissa's POV

I gently knocked my head against the wall, I was loosing it. The amount of times I had paced this cell was ridiculous, and the boredom and loneliness was killing me. I kept on entering flashback mode, and every hour another scene of my life would be remembered.

I had not yet reached the total finding of Harry whilst I day-dreamt. I'd hear his voice in the school halls, but I had not yet managed to see his face.

'Liss!' Charlie shouted from across the road. 'Ive missed you, I bought you a present from holiday!'

I waited patiently for her to hand it over, and when she did I was amazed. It was a jar filled with sand and my name was written within the sand in some sort of black substance.

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