Friends finally|

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'Harryyy' I yell, and it's like de-ja-vu.

His fist connects with Nialls jaw before I can pull Him away. I grab Harry's shirt and pull him back.

Niall's hand goes up to wipe the blood that's dripping down his face.

'What the fuck.' He looks at his hand and back to Harry. 'If there wasn't a girl stood right infront of me, especially Liss, I would punch you back.'

Harry rolls his eyes at this. He needs to get a grip.

'Sorry Liss.' He shrugs, giving me a sympathetic smile.

'Its alright Niall, just go, yeh?' I smile, before anything can get any worse.

'Sure.' He smiles, and walks out of the room, his hand covering his face.

'What the hell?' I yell, when it's just me and Harry in the room.

'What the fuck do you expect me to do? I walked in here and you were doing
shit with Niall.'

'Harry, I hugged him.' I throw my arms in the air, trying to force the anger I have towards Harry out of my body.


'I hugged him because he was lonely.' I tell him.

'So, what? Next time he's lonely, will you jump into bed with him?' He asks, walking over to the other side of the room.

'Harry' I sigh. 'When will you get it? I'm going crazy. Just understand. I'm Nialls friend. I love you.'

He rolls his eyes, and I walk closer to him.

'Harry, can you not just believe me, for gods sake? Can you not trust me? Friends hug.' I say, calmly.

Just then the door opens and Louis' head pokes around the corner.

'Harry, group interview.' Louis tells him. 'We'll be going in one by one.' He shuts the door, when Harry nods his head.

'Can you not trust me?' I ask, as Harry walks through the door.

He doesn't answer. He doesn't even turn back. He just walks out the door, leaving me in tears.

I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and shove it down my neck. I grab my bag off the couch, and storm out of the building.

I walk round the same corners, and take the same lifts, but can't find my way out. I peer out of a window to see where I am, and realise the paps are there.

I need to clean myself up.

I rush off to the toilets, and clean up my face.

It doesn't work though, because as soon as I step out of the toilet cubicle, the tears start again.

I just can't help them.

I rush round the corridors, eagerly trying to find my way out of this maze.

Can I have Harry going up to people and battering them because I've hugged them?


I rush round a corner, and am nearly thrown to the floor, when I bump into someone.

'Sorry..' I keep my head down and walk on, hoping it's not anyone like that Linda or Dave.

'Liss?' I hear a familiar voice, and keep on walking, pretending I didn't hear him.

It's Zayns voice.

'Liss?' I hear the pitter-patter of feet running after me.

'Liss.' I stop dead in my tracks, when Zayn walks in front of me and rests a arm on my shoulder.

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