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'You bastard!' I remember screaming in his face, my fingernails clawing at his cheeks, it being enough for him to release the grip of my wrists for just a second.

That second was enough for me to run, run to the lifeless body lying on the floor, enough to cup his pale cheeks in the palm of my hands and kiss his blue lips softly.

'Harry' I whispered, a tear falling from my cheek into his knot of curls scrunched up on top of his head.

'Harry, please. Please don't leave me.' I quickly took off my cardigan and placed it on top of his womb that was seeping too much blood.

'Help!' I cried. 'Someone call an ambulance! Someone help me. Please, please someone save him.' My voice lowered as I realised it was useless, he was gone. Ken had killed him, and I was about to get my revenge.

'Son of a bitch!' I yelled, running towards Ken before grabbing him by the neck. 'You bastard! You absolute-' I didn't finish my sentence because I was too busy scratching at his cheeks and hoping to tear at his skin. 'You're a murderer, you killed him. You killed Harry!'

'Yes I did, and he fucking deserved it.' He whispered slowly, right infront of my face. I didn't even say anything, I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground hoping he would rot in hell. 'You're still mine.' He laughed lightly, looking up at me from the ground.

'Ill never be yours.' I scowled, turning and running back to Harry, wanting to kill Ken but knowing I needed to get away from such a sick man.

'Harry' I sobbed 'Harry listen to me, listen-' my heart had scattered into a million pieces on the floor and if he was dead, I was going to kill myself. How could I survive without him? How could I survive knowing we had been so close to being together, so close to finally loving eachother the way we should have done all along? 'Don't leave me after all we've been through. Don't go. I love-'

I didn't get to finish my sentence before everything went black.

'Liss, what's going on? What are you doing in here?' Liam walks in sipping from a bottle of water.

'Just thinking..' I mutter, snapping back out of my daydream.

'About what?'

'About him.'

'Your counsellor told you to stop Diana, you need to stop.' He pulls me into a big hug, stroking the back of my head as I sigh, knowing he is right.

'I know.'

'Its all okay now Liss, you got away.' He smiles at me.

'I know it's all okay, I just keep on thinking about Ke-' I shiver at the name.

'Stop thinking about him.' He sighs, 'You're here now. You're happy.'

'I know Liam, thanks for always being here.' I hug him tightly and I can feel him smiling over my shoulder.

'Its okay,' he sighs, 'I understand you're worrying about Ken because of today, but he's locked away. You've got what you want, everything is alright.'

'Ive got everything I could ever ask for, everything I've waited for since the day I walked into that college and met everyone.'

'You have.' He smirks. 'You've got him. You've finally got him. I could still kill him after all them years he was a complete dick, but he's different now.'

'Are you ready?' My father walks in, a smile plastered across his face. I still can't believe I found him, that we are finally reunited, and to find out my mum kicked him out and that he didn't walk out himself makes me feel extremely guilty.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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