Close call

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I know my a/n at the end is super long but please read it, it's important if you want to know what's coming next, and about the sequels and everything:)

I knew exactly what the words were going to be before they even spilled out into the room. It's obvious that Harry didn't.

'Your sentencing date will be called upon but until then-' the judges voice breaks off as a bang echoes across the marble tiles laid on the floor. Before I even look I knew he has gone.

I catch a glimpse of his jet back curls before the stained glass doors in the box opposite mine, slam.

With a clear of the throat, the woman proceeds, but I can't concentrate.

I'm going down, I'll never see daylight again. I'll never see Harry. I know, no matter how many times he promised me, that he won't be here. He'll be too emotional. He won't show it, but I know him. He won't visit me, he'll probably go back to the boys and forget I ever happened. I hate to think so negatively of such a great man, but I'm pretty sure that's going to happen. Not because of him. Because of his emotions.

Large hands wrap around my shoulders and their grip is overly tight. They don't think I'm going to run, do they?

As soon as I'm thrown into the musty cell, I cry. The walls are black, stained with sick, blood, gum, and every other disgusting substance you could think of. The floor exactly the same. No air fills the small space, and a small ray of light beams on just one corner, it coming from a tiny hole in the door.

Of course, I sit in the lit corner, I sit and pray for not freedom or anything else, but for Harry. Just this morning, just before I walked inside the court room, he promised me. He promised me he'd be there for me.

I will be right by your side, the whole way through.

Do you know what? I'm so wrong. I mentally and verbally, sometimes, blame Harry. But this is my fault. My share in our relationship is more messed up. Harry's made a few mistakes, but he's so honest now. All I keep on doing, everytime he tries to renew himself or be a better person, is knock him down. I make a stupid mistake or situation, that knocks him back. He keeps on getting back up though, keeps trying again, but I destroy it all. I'm the mess, and the problem, in this whole relationship.

After a bang of a flap over the small hole in the door, I'm left with no light. I sit silently, with my head in my hands,
crying and hopelessly praying, wishing I hadn't knocked him back once again.


A streak of light flashes across my face, and through the small cracks inbetween my fingers, I see it. Immediately, I sit up, wiping the tears from my cheeks and standing as a woman walks through the door.

'Hey Diana,' the woman is English, and I try and smile at her, but I'm sure it comes out looking like I'm constipated.
She's dressed in a suit, and I think the guard at the doorway is expecting me to run, because he doesn't move. 'Its fine, she's not the type to run, I've been told,' she speaks to the guard and he rolls his eyes, slamming the door.

'Told by who?' I ask, my heart racing. Harry?

'Lets get into the introducing before I tell you why I'm here.' She smiles, and I sniff, catching a tear with my thumb that escapes my stare at this woman who is smartly dressed. I look down at my clothing. A orange suit covers my entire body. When did they dress me in this? It's mouldy, and- and I deserve it all.

'Okay.' I cough.

'Im Deborah,' she gives me a small smile, pulling some papers out of her bag. 'Ive been sent here to be your solicitor.'

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