14 - Growing

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When I woke up it was about 6 in the morning , I looked down and I saw Junior sitting in the chair right next to me with his head down on the bed I was laying in, I reached over and touched his head. He jumped up.

" Sis , thank god , how you feeling ? " he said grabbing my hand

" Better" I said weakly .

" Im glade you okay " He said looking stressed

" What happened " I responded

" You tell me , Doctors was telling us you had bruised your belly & your face bruised up too , Who did this ? " He said tensing up.

" Oh God , MY BABY , HOWS THE BABY !! " I said getting loud And touching my stomach

" Hey , calm down , the baby okay , but they did say you may have some birth difficulty , when time for it to be born " he said

" Okay , okay " I said calming down.

" Where mama ? " I said looking around

" Um , she left Nicey, way earlier. " he said looking down

" She knows ?" I asked

" Yeah , she wasn't to happy either , soon as the doctor said it she just left , no words or nothing " he said looking away.

" Damn " I said

" But you dont worry bout it , just get better , ill talk to ma " he said kissing my forehead .

" okay , where all the flowers come from ? " I asked looking on the left side

" From the kid standing out there by the door , I done cussed his ass out and told him to leave , but he been sitting out there all day , I just left him alone " he said sitting back down

" Awe , its Julian , let him in , he a really really close friend, only person i trust outside the family , and he the god father " I said trying to sit up

" Oh alright Ill let homeboy in " he said walking towards the door .

" Nicey , how are you ? " Julian said looking tired

" Im good long as my baby good " I said touching his hand.

" Hey Bruhh , Im Julian Johnson " He said winking at me and dapping my brother up .

" Johnson, thats a rich name in this town , its so many places named after Johnson " Junior said dapping him up

" My family owns half of everything around here , so yeah I am that Johnson " he said looking back at me.

" Lucky you youngin , and no hard feelings bruh you know thats my lil sister right there and the only one I got man, its just when i saw you was a nigga , i just got nervous , niggas aint done my sister no type of good so far , you feel me " junior said

" I feel you man , I do , but im not trying to hurt her , not at all, but I warned her bout that pussy nigga Demetrius . " he said tensing up.

" Im gone catch my one with his ass " Junior said

" Shidd , us both " julian responded

" Let it go , he aint even worth it " I said budding in

" You cant talk me out of this one " Junior said

" End of convo " Julian said touching my chin

" Okay " I said remembering what happened again

I stayed in the hospital a few days so that the doctors could monitor the baby and make sure no damages was done , and then to make sure I was okay too, Julian and Junior stayed with me . Mama never did come back. Then the time came for me to come home .

When I walked in I saw boxes packed by the door , I ran to my room to find it empty, I leaned against the wall and cried .

" Call Junior back and tell him to come get you and your stuff so you can go home " Mama said creeping up behind me .

" Mama , what home ? I am home " i responded

" No ma'am , You grown enough to be having sex and having babies , then you grown enough to be in your own shit " Mama said with a tear falling

" Mama please , it was a accident, a mistake " I said pleading

" It wasnt a mistake to open your legs to him, you wanns be fast and hot in the ass , take that shit out , and stop calling me mama , Cause i aint raise no daughter who grown and make kids at 6 fucking teen . " mama said crying

" Ma please , where im gone go , im sorry , i didnt mean for any of this to happen at all " I said getting on my knees in front of her

" Get yo ass up and out " She said grabbing my collier and slapping me

I started pulling away, so she grabbed me and drug me out of her house and slammed the door and locked it behind her . she opened it a few seconds later and threw my stuff out

I called Junior he came and got me and my things and took me too his dorm.

" Aight sis listen my room mate cool , he aint no snitch , but you gotta be quiet about this nobody supposeto be staying here but me and him, this shit could get me kicked out , but this what its gone be till I have enough to move in my own shit . junior said

"Okay , Ill get a job to help out too " I said

" No , I got it , Just focus on school , while your still able to go " he said

" Okay " I responded

" oh yeah, you gotta meet my roommate ..... JORDAN ! " He yelled.

" wassup ? " Jordan responded coming out of his room

Jordan was a fine ass mixed boy , very lightskinned , he had a grill at the bottom and hella tattoos , he smelled good too like cologne , weed , and patrone , all mixed together. He was tall as hell and buff asf .

" Damn , this the sexiest lil thing you ever brought up in here " Jordan said looking me up and down and licking his lips.

" Chill the fuck out this my baby sister i been telling you bout" Junior said

" Shit my fault homie , this lil Jah'nice , how you doing ma , Im Jordan Barron " he said reaching for my hand.

" Im good , and nice to meet you Jordan " I responded shyly

" Definitely my pleasure " he said licking his lips

" Ayo , she gone be staying here for a minute, thats cool ? " Junior said

" Cool bruhh , you know Im cool on it , but I gotta get to practice , ill see yall later " he said shaking Junior up and touching my shoulder

" Aight bruh , ball out " Junior said as Jordan was walking out the door .

" Im tired Junior , where will I be Sleeping ? " I asked

" My bed , I got the couch " he said directing me to his room

" Goodnight " I said getting his bed

" Night " he said closing the door.

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