15 - Back to school

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I woke up to my brother coming in his room to get ready for his day of school, he showed me where everything is and then kissed my forehead and left. Today was Sunday , so I knew my brother was gone make me go back to school tomorrow, I was nervous , cause I know how word get around around Jersey , but at the same time I didn't care because I had bigger things to worry about .

I got up and took a shower , Junior shower was So cold , after that I went to the kitchen , I just felt like cooking , so I took out eggs , pancake batter , sausage , and grits, then I got to cooking.

" Mmmh , What smells so good ?" Jordan said coming out of his room

" Ohh , umm Goodmorning , sorry I thought you would be gone the same time Junior was " I Said shyly

" My class don't start until 1:00 , so you stuck with me till then , hope you making enough for us both " He said smiling

He even woke up fine ,with them pretty grey eyes, he had on some joggers , with no shirt so I could see all of his tattoos .

" Yeah, you can have some " I said smiling

" Thanks Ma, let me go freshin up , I'll be right back " he said going back to his room .

I fixed both of our plate , he wasn't back out of his room yet so I decided to knock .

When he opened the door he was standing there with a towel around his waist , and his hair unbraided with pretty curls hanging down

" Umm , your food i- is ready " I said staring at his abs.

" Hey , we all live together , you ain't never gotta knock on this door , just open , and okay , I'll be out in one sec " He said tilting my chin up

" O- okay " I said

So he came back out and sat beside me on the couch we just watched TV and ate very quietly.

" Man , this food was good , your brother can't cook worth shit " he said busting the silence

" Thanks , It's 12:30 , you should be getting ready to go " I said checking my phone

" Oh yeah , I gotta get going , I'll see you around 5:00 " he said grabbing his stuff

" okay , see you later " I said watching him

After he left I just went back into the room and slept some more, then I would wake every few hours and talk to Julian on the phone

The next morning I got dressed , and did my hair and then got dropped off to school.

" That's her in the videos " I heard voices whisper as I walk bye

" I here she preggo " others said

" there that Lil hoe go " another said

I walked in the bathroom , thinking to myself what the hell is going on , and why everybody got my name in they mouth , I was so confused

" Surprised you would ever show your face here again " I heard a voice say behind me

" Jazz , umm why would you say that" I asked

" don't you know what's going around the school ?" Jazz said looking at me funny

" what.... no " I responded

She took her phone out and showed me 2 videos the one with me doing freaky shit with jazz and Mulan , and me losing my virginity to Demetrius .

" ace punk ass sent this shit to everyone , last week friday" she said looking down

"Omg , why the hell would he do this to me , how could he " I said starting to cry .

" Is it true , what there saying ?" She asked

" about what ?" I asked

" Your pregnant bye Demetrius ?" She asked

" Yes , since everybody knows it , but I don't want or need anything from his punk ass" I said crying

" Listen , don't cry, here " she said giving me tissue

" Why are you being nice , ain't yo and Mulan cool ?" I asked

" Hell no , that bitch lost me when she had Demetrius send those videos out, it had me in it , that messed up my record , my mama seen it and everything , on top of that she stopped fucking with me first out of nowhere , one day she just decided not to be my friend" she said

" Wow , don't she care that she is in that video " I asked

" Hell nah , it's been videos of her before , she likes the publicity, she likes when her name in everybody mouth , but not me , that shit is dead , my mama gone be transferring me to home school in a few days , so I won't be worried about this shit to long anyways , and don't need to either , stress can hurt your baby , so be careful." She said leaving the bathroom .

I decided to do the same thing , transfer to home school , because I wasn't about to be stressing & hurting my baby , but I did leave the bathroom and go to finish all my classes

All that day I was putting up with people making baby noises at me , and people yelling " Exposed " when I walked by , some times I'll say something back like " Fuck you " but most of the time I just walked away , looking down ignoring the comments. When time for me to come home came , I was extremely happy .

" Nicey! Aye !" I heard junior calling I got up and went to the car

" you was in your own Lil world over there , anyway how was your first day" he asked

" Horrible , I'm not going back ever " I said starting to cry again

" what happened sis " Junior asked

"Don't worry about it just know I'm never going back okay " I said

" okay sis , it's gone be alright " he said driving off

I went back to the dorm and Junior went back to class , I wanted to take a shower, a hot one , so I decided to use Jordans since he wasnt home anyway

I got in his tub and began to bathe, he water was hot , very hot it felt good , felt like I hadn't had a hot bath in a long time so I was enjoying it

When I was getting out the shower , It was very foggy I could barley see how to get my towel , once I did get it , I wrapped it around me and proceeded to walk out the door , I was trying to move fast before Jordan got back.
Then soon as i opened the bathroom door BUMB , I fell into him and we both fell I fell on top of him.

" Damm , well tackle me down then " he said laughing

" Oh god , I'm so sorry" , I said looking down to make sure my towel was still up , which it was.

" For what , I enjoy company " he said looking down at my cleavage

" um, let me get out of here", I said getting up and walking toward the door

" so soon" he said grabbing my arm tightly

" Yeah , I gotta get dressed " I said trying to pull away

" You ain't got too , I mean , I can just get naked " he said pulling me back towards him

" Can you let me go please Jordan " I said getting nervous and scared

" You don't want me too" , he said trying to pull my towel off

" Stop , please , stop Jordan " I said pushing him

" Girl I'm on hard now, let me finish the job , promise you gone like it , with your thick ass " he said pushing me on his bed

" Noooo, Move Jordan please , I'm pregnant " I yelled out .

" Oh Fuck no " He said climbing off me

" You know I was just playing around right Ma ?" He said

" Yeah , sure " I said running out of his room .

I went In junior room , and locked the door behind me, then I got dressed and layed and bed sobbing.

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