17 - After Math

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Two months past since what almost went down between me and Jordan, I kept it to my self because my brother had enough on his mind between school and me. I was doing my school work at his dorm full time , I stayed in junior room with the Door locked to be safe, when I hear Jordan leave for school after 1:00 I wait 30 minutes then I go get me enough to eat to last me a while. I wasn't scared  of Jordan at all , I was just trying to keep added stress off me. My little baby was growing healthy I went every week to my appointment to see my ultra sound and listen to my baby little heart , Julian took me to every one while Junior was in school. Every single day I tried calling my mama , leaving voice mail and text messages,  never got a reply , I missed my mother and I needed her through all this , but I completely understood why she wanted me gone, because I did no better , and although I love my baby dearly already , I still shouldn't be pregnant like this.
I haven't talked to Demetrius since all that went down at his house that time , but I have kept in touch with Jazz, she seemed like a entire different person now that she wasn't always under Mulan , Jazz had told me she heard Demetrius dropped out of school and was a full time dope boy, I didn't even care I hope somebody shoot his ass up one day.

" Nicey ?" I heard a voice call while knocking at juniors door .

" Huh ?" I answered

" Some nigga at the Door for you " Jordan said

" Okay " I said opening the door.

When I opened junior door , Jordan was standing there looking at me, it was my first time really seeing him since what happened two months ago.

" Well you gone move so I can see who at the door " I said breaking the silence .

" Gone head " he said stepping aside.

I walked over to the door and opened it.

" Hey Julian , was sup ?" I said stepping out the dorm

" I'm off work early , wanna get some food ?" He asked

" You know I'm down , let me get my purse , be right back " I said running inside .

" That's your baby daddy ?" Jordan asked as I was coming in

" Yeah " I lied

I got my purse , then hopped in the car with Julian .

" Where you wanna eat ?" Julian said

" Don't matter " I said looking out the window.

He took me to his favorite buffet , called Jersey Market Dinner , the food here was good , I was eating faster than he was , he looked at me and laughed

" What's funny ?" I said very serious

" you got gravy on your nose " he said reaching over and wiping it off.

" Thank you" I said laughing

" look at you , you finally showing " he said rubbing my stomach

" Yeah, a little " I said putting my hand over his.

" It's a boy , I bet " he said

" boy how you know ?" I said busting out laughing

" Cause I know , I can feel it , and you know what they say right ?" He said looking at me sideways

" what they say ?" I asked

" The first man to touch your stomach , that's who the baby will look like , so boy or girl that kid looking like me " he joked

We both laughed , he paid the bill , and we were out.

RING RING ......

" hello ?" I answered

" yo sis , where you ?" Junior said

" Julian took me to get some food , we but to go chill at his crib , then I'm coming home." I responded

" Aight , when you get back , I gotta tell you something , and tell Julian punk ass I say wassup " Junior said

I told Julian " Julian said wassup & okay, I'll take to you later " I said hanging the phone up.

After Junior got to know him , he started to trust Julian as much as I did , and I liked that , I'm glad them two get along, because I needed them both in my baby's life .

After we pulled up at Julian crib , no one was home, we went to his room and chilled and just talked . I layed across is bed next to him , and we started talking about everything.

" I need to show you something " Julian said sitting up , with his body semi hovered over mines.

" what ?" I asked

He got up and went to his closet which was walk in , the he motioned his hand for me to come to him .

I couldn't belive my eyes , I even started tearing up , Julian had been doing some shopping , he had infant size unisex clothes , a car seat , a crib still in the box not put up , dippers , wipes , and formula.

" Julian , I don't know what to say " I said with a tear falling down

" Say thanks " he joke, wiping my tear.

" You didn't have to do this " I responded looking at him.

" Yes I did , everyone I got paid , which I get paid every week , I go and buy a few things , and I've been doing this ever since you told me you were pregnant, so this is like 3 months worth of saving " he said holding my chin

I looked him in the eyes , and then I kissed him.

" Nicey , stop , this ain't right " he said pulling away

I wasn't having that, I kissed him more , on his neck , lips , and face , until he finally stopped pulling away , from me , he grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me passionately. He picked me up with my legs wrapped around his waist , then he layed me on the bed gently

" I don't think we should , Nicey " Julian said pulling away again .

" Then stop thinking " I said pulling him back

" We can't " he said pulling away again

" It's cause I'm pregnant huh ?" I said letting him go.

" Hell nah , I just wanna start this off right " He said sitting up.

" I understand " I said laying my head on his back

he turned around and kissed me passionately.


" I better get you home , your brother likes me , and I tend to keep it that way " he said waking me up from my nap .

" Right " I said getting up

He grabbed me and pulled me to him , he kissed my neck. Then we got in the car and rode off to his house , when I got there no one was home but Jordan , I was to happy about Julian to even think about him , so I just went straight for junior room , not even acknowledging his presence

" Dammnn, can't speak " he said grabbing my arm.

" Man , let me go " I said pulling away

" Watch your attitude,  I'm not your Lil punk ass boyfriend " he said getting all in my face .

" Get the Fuck back " I yelled pushing him

He ran all up in my face again and then laughed.

" Lil fine ass " he said biting his lip then going back to the couch .

I just went straight in junior room and locked the door behind me.

I got in the cold ass shower , and was thinking about Julian touch , I wanted him physically,  I was craving his touch, I had to take my mind off him , maybe it was just the baby speaking and got my hormones bouncing every where, or maybe I was falling for him, just maybe.


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