The Dress

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Jade's POV

"Mumma, hurry up!" Piper rushed me as I ate my breakfast.

"Pipe, we have to wait for Saidi and Dani to come. We can't just leave. And you don't want mommy to get the hiccups for eating too fast, right?"

"No.. Okay. When do we leave?"

"In a few." She couldn't tell time yet so it wouldn't be necessary to give her an exact time.

"Okay! I'll go play with Uncle Louis." She skipped away. "Hi daddy!" She squealed, still running in front of him. He walked into the kitchen with the twins, grinning at the food I made. Armani squealed at the sight of me, reaching his hands towards me.

"Hi bubba!" I took him from Zayn, placing him on my lap. Zayn leaned down and kissed my lips before taking some of my food. "Hey!"

"Don't whine." He chuckled, feeding Jayden an egg. "Are you ready to go shopping?"

"I guess.." I shrugged, licking the pancake batter off my fingers.

"Who's going to be in the dressing room with you?"


"May I ask why not Danielle?"

"Number one, leaving her with Saidi wouldn't be a good idea because she's not that great of a watched. Number two, if anyone knows about the perfect royal wedding, it's her. That sounds crazy considering she's almost four but her imagination is more creative than most people think. Number three, she'll complain about it for the rest of the week if I don't let her." Zayn chuckled as I pulled Armani onto my hip, standing up.

"Well that is true."

"Plus, I've missed a lot of time with her even though she's been in the same building as me for the past two months. Half of time I forget where her class and the boys' are supposed to be at what time and I panic." I rubbed my forehead.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little stress, that's all.." Zayn frowned and neared me, our faces nearly touching.

"How bad is it?"

"N-Not as bad as last time, I promise. Don't worry about it."

"You promise?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Pinky promise." He grinned, making me laugh as we locked fingers.

"Good, I don't want to lose you anytime soon."

"You won't." I smiled, pecking his lips. Zayn nodded, looking dowb at Jayden in his arms. His small head was laid against his chest, staring out the window. I turned to look and saw Saidi getting out the car with Danielle. "Well they're early." I walked to the front door, opening it.

"Jade, hi!" Danielle greeted, "Ready to go?"


"Yeah, didn't you get the email?"

"I haven't checked my email since yesterday morning. I'm sorry.."

"They postponed your appointment, it's in thirty minutes."

"Oh gosh!"

"Mumma!" Piper ran to my side, Louis walking down the stairs. "Hi auntie!" She waved at Saidi.

"I want a hug, not a wave!" Piper happily obeyed.

"I'm gonna go get ready. Come inside." Armani fisted my shirt, whining when I tried handing him to Danielle. "I have to get dressed, bubba." His bottom lip began to tremble, tears already rolling down his cheeks. "Don't cry, I'll be right back!"

Troubled Love (Zayn Malik fanfic) Sequel to "Please Be Real"Where stories live. Discover now