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I put up the last black curtain in the last window of the house. I sighed and went to the bathroom turning on the shower. Nate still hasn't woke up yet but I'm glad I'm kind of worried that he might go all Wolfy murderer.

I chuckled at the thought and got in after stripping. I let the hot water beat down on my as I thought about what was to happen next. I mean my best friend is a fucking hunter who is soon to be a possible cause of death and many boyfriend is a werewolf and might try to kill me so I think I'm a little on edge.

I brushed the thought off and washed up before getting out. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist.

I walked out of my bathroom and went straight to my closet. "Hmm what to wear?" I said aloud looking in the closet. I smirked and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a white top, my black leather jacket and my white high top converse.

I got dressed and walked over to my nightstand and unplugged my phone. I unlocked it to see a message from klaus.

Klaus- check the mail love I left you a little present!

A sudden chill ran up my spine and I didn't like it. I turned and hurried to the door. I went to reach for the handle when I realized it's daytime and I have no daylight ring.

"How the hell am I going to... Kol!" I said to myself bringing my phone back out. I pressed the contact and put it to my ear.

"Hello Blake, didn't expect a call from you!" He sounded surprised. "We need to talk can you come to my house?" I asked through the phone.

"I'll be there in a minute." He said before hanging up.

I smirked and put my phone in my back pocket.

I walked in the living room and sat on the floor next to Nate on couch. I smiled. "I won't let this come between us, no matter what it takes." I whispered to his sleeping body.

The doorbell sounded and I sped to the door. "Kol?" I said to the door. "The one and only love." He said I smirked. "Ok your brother left me something in the mail can you get it for me, I kind of can't come out side!" I said. He chuckled,"alright."

He nocked on the door and I opened it staying behind it the whole time avoiding the light. Once he was all the way inside I shut the door.

He looked at me and held up a ring. "Why would my brother give you a ring, is this his way of proposing!" He said smiling. I snatched it out of his hand and put it on.

"No I needed it now let's see if he actually did something right for once." I said walking over to a window. I slowly pulled back the curtain letting a ray of sun shine through. I put my hand slowly towards it till it was completely basking in the light.

I exhaled a breath of relief and looked at kol. "Hold on, dark curtains, avoiding the light, and mysterious ring Klaus gave you, your a bloody vampire and that's a daylight ring." He said.

"Well you always were observant weren't you brother!" Rebekah said closing the front door. I smiled.
"Good your both here, now let's talk!" I said with a sadistic smile forming on my face.


I got out of the shower and went to my closet. I pulled out a black pair of leather skinnies, a black seethrough top, my black leather jacket, and my black combat boots.

I got dressed and went to my dresser. I opened the top drawer and pulled out an old wooden box. I opened it revealing a gold and white pistol with a loaded clip and three extras. I smirked and grabbed them all. I put the extras in my inside jacket pocket and the gun in the hem of my pants.

I went to the bathroom and put on eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow before putting my ruby red and black hair up in a perfectly tight bun.

I smirked and zipped my jacket halfway up before grabbing my phone and walking out. I rushed to my car and got in. I backed out and drove to Blake's house.

I pulled in the drive way in less than ten and parked. I got out and walked up to the door letting myself in.

I noticed Blake,Kol, and Rebekah sitting in the kitchen and Nate still on the couch. I walked in the kitchen and Blake smirks at me.

"Good you made it, now the fun can really begin!" He said. I raised an eyebrow and gestured towards a seat I hesitantly sat down and faced him.

"Klaus the original hybrid has the blood to cure any werewolf bite, I need to get my hands on some of it seeing how my boyfriend is a werewolf. Now we've all established that I'm a vampire thank to my old friend and now seyer Rebekah, I need all of you to help me get his blood. Theres just one problem. I don't know where he is." Blake said.

"I can help." And blonde girl said walking in the kitchen. Blake looked at her. "Who the hell are you" he said. She smiled. "No need for the hostility we all the same thing, klaus except I need him alive cause I have some issues to settle with my brother and my siblings!" She said.

"Do you really dare coming in here out of no where and claim to be a mikaelson relative in front of two originals, one vampire, a hunter and a waking werewolf." Rebekah said pointing at Nate.

She smirked. "Don't worry sister I'm not here to harm our brothers I just need to have a little chat with them." She said before vanishing.

Lol a lil filler so hope you enjoyed but until next time 😘

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