Chapter 1 Purple Reminder

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******I want to get addicted to you*******

When you first move here, people will tell you how much you'll love it. In fact, they'll even spend a decent amount of time listing the good things. But never will they tell you the bad. I will admit there aren't many bad things about this place. The shops are cute, buildings are nice. The people are kind, I guess, but are assholes at the same time. You'd think they'd have the decency to warn someone about the group of people who practically run the town.

I'd hardly even call them a gang. It was mainly just a large group of men that spent their time terrorizing citizens, smoking god only knows what and getting drunk. But I guess in some ways there were a fully functional gang. They had hide outs. They had drug lords and drug deals etc,. They had rival gangs in other cities and towns. They got whatever woman they wanted, whether it be for the night or long term. They have full blown fights with guns and knives, the whole nine yards. They had killed people and left most scarred for life. They were wanted by the police but of course the cops wouldn't even lift a finger to stop them. But they had no name. Apparently they all had matching tattoos. That was just a rumor, and it wasn't like anyone was going to ask.

This gang treats women like absolute trash. A one night stand is heaven when compared to being picked up by one of them. You're used then thrown out. I think the worst part is how people find out about it. All kinds of stories are whispered and passed around. Your reputation is nothing. You're considered nothing.

This scenario was, in one word, unreal. A whole town run by a bunch of sex driven, joint smoking, animals who had no respect for anyone but themselves. The leader Alec, was all of those things times a million. But it was his second in command that people had warned about. No one knew his name. Yet everyone knew never to cross paths with him. Both men and women.

And the only one piece of advice anyone could offer was: no alleyways.


Every day on my way home from work I take the same shortcut. There's only a few dumpsters scattered against the walls and a couple trash cans. I've never seen anyone besides me use it. The gang tends to stay on the other side of the town, where the "women are bangin' and the clubs are boomin' ". I've always been good about it to. Sometimes I'd check to make sure it was empty before cutting through. The shortcut saved me about twenty minutes of walking and crossing busy streets. It wasn't ideal to not use it anyways.

In my defense, I didn't see him. I did not see the man standing around the corner with his foot stuck out like he was expecting me to fall. I did not see the other three guys standing next to him. Nor did I even think that anyone would be in this alleyway, let alone knew it existed.

But as I rounded the corner of the building, I went sailing as I tripped over his extended leg. There were muffled snickers from his friends. I muttered an apology and bent over to pick up my things that had fallen from my bags. As I was collecting everything, there was a loud shrill whistle. I swore under my breath.

"Damn, that's what I like to see. Bend over again" The guy who tripped me commented. I could feel my face turn red and finished grabbing my bag. There were a few nods in agreement. I stood up only to be kicked back down. I glared at them and got back on my feet.

"You can't leave yet." He said matter of fact. I went to continue my way home. I prayed they wouldn't ask for anything but I know there was no point. The small group had me instantly surrounded. Hungry eyes raked over my body. I'd bet anything there were more of them hidden somewhere. The one who had tripped me wore a smirk on his face. I knew what normally happened in these situations and I knew very well what the requirements were. They just wanted a quick fuck. Too bad I couldn't help them.

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