Chapter 37. Good Girl

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It took ages for them to leave. I must’ve been sitting in the same position for at least four hours just listening to pointless babbling about clubs and other gangs.

It was interesting watching Zayn socialize because even though he was laughing and conversing like a normal person, his dominance was still vividly clear. The way he positioned his shoulders and held his head was still intimidating. The other boys knew it. All of them spoke to him with respect. They knew their boundaries well enough.

I liked how Zayn carried himself even if most of the time he was a cocky asshole. In a way, it was an admirable quality to have. His confidence is what makes him so respected and well known. In fact I was on the verge of being jealous of him. How he could walk into a room and silence would immediately fall or the way he could keep his composure around those he clearly disliked. It was a talent, really. Something he had perfected. And it was evident he knew it. Even listening to him speak you could hear the confidence dripping from each word. The way he spoke was almost done with such elegance and class it wouldn’t be expected from someone associated with mongrels. Zayn’s accent also had an impact to. His pronunciation of his words or even the phrases he used was enough to keep you listening. His confidence while speaking was also something of a talent. Even if Zayn did bad things there was no doubt he was respected whether or not it was out of fear.

Zayn had sent me to the kitchen to clean up the plates the boys had used earlier. Remains of chicken bones and dip were scattered on the white plates lined up next to the sink. I was instructed to clean the plates off and put them away neatly. The task itself was simple enough but the whispering coming from the living room is what distracted me. Liam was still in the house talking with Zayn. Zayn had dismissed the others, telling them he’d talk with them all later. Curiosity clawed at me while I ran one of the plates under the steaming water. I took a sponge, rubbing the plate in circular motions to get rid of the dipping sauce. Liam struck me as Zayn’s second in command. He seemed to trust him more than the others. None of the boys really stuck out to me as one being nicer than the rest. In my eyes they were all just kind of there to keep Zayn sane and order me around (even though Zayn didn’t really let that happen). But if Zayn liked Liam then it was safe for me to like him a bit more than the others. Zayn was dependable when it came to things like this.

I decided that filling the sink with water then soaking the dishes would make it easier to hear what the murmurs were about. Unfortunately, my plan proved to be a failure when the whispers only became more hushed.

***ZAYN’S POV***

I had dismissed the other boys about a half hour ago to give me some time to discuss things with Liam. Ava was in the kitchen cleaning plates and no doubt trying to listen in on my conversation. It was a cute attempt on her part though. I was nearly positive that the only reason Ava had been so well behaved was due to my threat of disciplining her in front of the boys. She seemed to be keen on not having that happen.

I couldn’t stop myself from fidgeting in my seat. I was so fucking uncomfortable just sitting there. Pinning Ava against the wall left me all hot and bothered. She was so close to me…vulnerable.  I needed her so badly right now. Or anyone would work really. Ava was just the closest vagina to me as of now. The quicker I found out why I was constantly being blindsided the better. For both me and my dick.  

“Alec is fucking with me.” I told Liam angrily. All these dates and shipments kept being changed while I continued to be uninformed.

Liam tapped his foot lightly on the ground, fixating his eyes on the coffee table.

“It’s not you, Zayn. It’s the girl. He’s concerned with her.” Liam said. Liam finally made eye contact with me, awaiting a response.

It made no sense to me. Ava had nothing to do with anything.

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