Chapter 31 Fists

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I want to get addicted to you******

***ZAYN'S POV***

I could feel the anger coursing through me as I watched her eyes slowly close. My anger was through the roof right now. Everything that had happened today, everything with Alec and Liam and now her. Now she's fucking unconscious at my feet. I bent down on my knees to be closer to her. I have no idea how it happened, her hand somehow was able to reach for mine. It was like a scene out of a horror movie watching her narrow fingers extending outwards.

Her fragile hand began to lose grip on mine, her attempts to hold on becoming feeble. The swelling on her cheek was starting to come through. Ava just lied there motionless. I didn't fucking kill her, that's for sure. There's no doubt in my mind it would've been that easy.

I didn't mean to hurt her so badly. My intention was not meant to make her go unconscious. She needed to be disciplined. I told her not to do something yet she did it anyways. That was punishable and she knew perfectly well what she was doing. But I never meant for it to go that far. I never meant to be that rough towards her. Perhaps it was for the best though, maybe now she'd know better than to go against me.

The elevator door finally opened when we reached our floor. I hoisted Ava up off the ground and held her in my arms so her head was resting on my chest. I figured it would look less suspicious carrying her like this rather than having her thrown over my shoulder. Obviously it would still odd seeing her unconscious in my arms to anyone who was passing by.

When I stepped out of the elevator there was a group of people waiting in the smallish lobby. They all were staring at Ava with concerned faces. One older looking woman decided to step forward.

"She isn't looking to well." The lady remarked. She wore thick rimmed glasses and an old ratty cardigan. She had an old but wise appearance to her. I hated people like that. Just because they're older they assume they know more than you or what's best for you when in reality they don't know shit. I bet I've been through more than all her years of walking this earth. I instantly disliked this stranger.

"She's fine." I snapped. "I've got her."

"Are you her brother?" She asked nosily. The thick glasses she wore only made her more annoying. Her eyes behind the glasses resembled putting a magnifying glass over your eye.

"Do we look related?" I was trying my best not to start yelling. We looked nothing alike. Ava's hair was much much lighter than mine. Her face had a bit more of a roundness to it, a softer look. She looked nothing like me at all.

"Well then it's good she has a nice strong boyfriend to make sure she's okay."

Who the fuck was this lady? The elevator door closed behind me. The large group of people were gone, leaving only the three of us standing awkwardly. Ava was beginning to feel heavy in my arms. She was starting to worry me, she should've been awake by now.

"I'm not her boyfriend either and I said she was fine. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get her back to our room and you've just missed your lift." The lady didn't say anything more as I walked past her. I left the elevator lobby and turned left down one of the hallways in search of room 253.

"Ava, wake up." I whispered to her. She should've been awake. It's been fifteen minutes. That's too long. I began walking faster, my eyes frantically scanning each door as I passed. She had to wake up.

My mind was becoming frantic right now. My movements were rushed and uncoordinated while I stumbled down the never ending hallway. I didn't know why she wouldn't open her eyes. I was panicking. Really panicking.

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