Chapter 38 Weakness

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Chapter 38. Weakness

***AVA’S POV***

There’s something so interesting about a person while sleeping. They look to be so calm and peaceful. You begin to notice the subtle things that they do with their eyes closed. The fluttering of their eyelids, the way their lips pull into a smile so small you nearly need to squint to see and even how they sleep with outstretched arms or curled into a ball. And while it may seem strange to watch someone when they’re asleep, so vulnerable, you’re able to learn new things about them. Some things you’d never learn while they’re awake.

Zayn was none of those things.

He slept with a blank face. His arms were curled under the pillow, propping it up to support his massive head. His hair, for the most part, lay flat on his forehead. Slight snores could even be heard coming from him. He could even be perceived as boring. But I found it intriguing.

All the features on his face were suddenly so prominent. His jawline, so sharp and defined, could have been chiseled from a rock itself.  His lips appeared so soft and smooth while pursed in a thin line. I could see stubble beginning to form around his chin and cheeks. Nothing about him looked soft or cuddly but at the same time I wanted to stay in his warm embrace even longer.

I woke up entangled with Zayn. His arms had me trapped against his chest. My head laid against his chest near his neck with our torsos pressed tightly to one another. Our legs were wrapped in one another’s. We couldn’t be any closer than what we had been only hours ago. Blankets for the most part covered us except for Zayn’s exposed back. I reached out with my index finger and lightly pushed some of the hair out of his face. I adjusted my body so his arm was on my lower back. I tried to move as gently as I could, careful not to wake him. He grunted in his sleep then proceeded to grip me tighter to him nearly crushing me against his body.

I was nervous for him to wake up. After what we had just done I don’t think I’d be able to handle him being cold towards me. We were so intimate with one another. His touches and caresses were so gentle. Even the way he fucked me was slow and tender. It was so different from when we had first had sex. But I wanted it again. Not the sex though, just being close to him like this.

I looked up at Zayn’s face to find him staring at me. He smiled to which I only responded by blinking.

Smooth. Very smooth.

“Morning.” He yawned. Sleep was heavy on his voice making it sound hoarse.


“Did you sleep alright?” He squeezed his arm around me. I nodded, accidently tapping my head on his chin.

“This bed isn’t nearly as comfy as the one upstairs.”

“No, it was fine.” The bed we were in right now felt like a cloud. I could only imagine what the other one was like.

“I’d offer you breakfast but it’s currently two in the morning.” Zayn chuckled. I looked over my shoulder to see the blinking numbers on the clock. He was right. I was glad he wasn’t grumpy. He even seemed happy. I half expected him to kick me out of bed or scold me for lying so close with him. He did neither of these things and his ear to ear grin lead me to believe he was in fact happy. I made myself a mental note to tread lightly so I didn’t break his current mood.

Much to my surprise, Zayn lightly kissed my forehead. I stiffened at his unexpected touch but it made me happy. His stomach growled beneath the covers.

“I think we should get something.” I teased. Zayn poked my stomach making me giggle and roll away from him.

“So you’re ticklish then, hm?”

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