Chapter 3 Habit

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I want to get addicted to you****

"I said one cream, two sugars." The lady snarled. Her beady little eyes were glaring at me from behind her glasses. Annoyance was written all over her wrinkly face.

"Right, um, sorry. One second please." I muttered while taking the drink from her. I retreated behind the counter and threw out the drink.

"Ava that's the third order you've gotten wrong, you sure you're okay?" George asked. He was a good guy. We had been working at the coffee house for about a year together and it's safe to say we're kind of close. He had a long term girlfriend who would visit him every day for lunch. Seeing them together made me realize just how bad I wanted someone to be close with. Not just as friends.

I wanted that sort of relationship when you were best friends but lovers at the same time. Cheesy, I know. It just seemed like such a cute way to be. Not mention the fact that all my other relationships were complete shit. But I won't go into detail about those.

I poured another cup of coffee and put the right amount of cream and sugar in.

"Yeah, George I'm fine. Just thinking." I finally replied. I went back to the front of the counter and handed the lady her drink.

"I'm sorry, it's on me. Have a good day." I tried my best to smile. She swiped the drink from my hand and stalked out of the café. While rolling my eyes, I went into the break room.

You couldn't even call it a break room. It was basically a closet that had a table, two chairs and a small microwave that barely worked. When I first started working here, George and I would throw pencils up at the ceiling and have competitions to see whose would stay the longest. The ceiling tiles were made of a material that resembled foam. It was a fun game in my opinion.

"Jesus that lady was bitch!" George exclaimed as he walked in and sat in a chair beside me.

"Did you see her face?! Oh my god I thought she was gonna hurt me!"

"Nah, she was too old. My guess is like, what? Maybe fifty or fifty-seven. She looked like a prune." He scrunched up his face. I swatted his arm.

"Don't be rude! But she was a total bitch." I smiled at him. He pulled out his phone and grinned at the screen.

"Chelsea's coming by." He informed me.

Whenever he talked about her he'd get this look on his face. Like he couldn't believe he had landed such a great girl. When he was with her though it was a different story. He worshipped her. And she did the same for him. Chelsea was the total package. Smart, pretty, she had it all. George wasn't so ugly himself either. They made a cute couple and I was happy for them. They were both a year older than me. I was turning nineteen in a few months and they were both going to be twenty-one. I hoped they'd last long together.

"Great. Hey, why not ask her and see if she can bring me by some food? You know, some quality shit. Instead of a half frozen instant lunch." I suggested. George laughed then began typing on his phone. I grabbed a pencil off the table and looked at him. He shook his head.

"Growly saw the marks in the ceiling. We can't do it anymore."

Growly was our manager. She was an extremely old lady who didn't really talk. She'd growl in response to anything you said. When she talked her voice would sound all raspy and raw. I thought it was because she smoked too many cigarettes. George said it was because she's around so many cats. Which I never really understood but I don't have the heart to ask. George thought it was funny and clever so I left it at that.

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