Chapter 42. Lovely

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 chapter 42 was accidentally not posted before I put 43 up. my apologies.

Zayn didn’t wait for me to respond. His knuckles were nearly white from holding the tie so tight.  I stayed silent while he walked over to sit by me.

"Can you?" He mumbled under his breath.

"I can try."

He sat close next to me, his knee brushing mine. I scooted a little more to the left so we weren’t touching. Zayn didn’t take the hint. He widened his legs so his knee was still able to reach me.

"Here" He handed me the silky object, purposefully hovering his hand atop mine.

His crude comment moments ago reminded me of who I was exactly dealing with. I knew better than to start wishful thinking, I didn’t want to be an object to him. Something he could use for his pleasure then torture minutes later. And I sure as hell did not want him thinking that I would stand for it. I was safer going along with him. With not speaking up.

If speaking up would get me hurt, perhaps the silent treatment would be a better idea. Given the current situation I was in though it was unavoidable. So I took the opportunity to be bossy.

"Face me." I said sternly. He raised an eyebrow to which I ignored.

Zayn swung his leg up on the bed then positioned himself in front of me like I had said.

"Watch it Ava." He warned.

"Do you want it done or not?" My hands were in the process of wrapping the tie around his neck. I proceeded to tuck it under the collar of the shirt, completely aware of his narrowed eyes watching me.

"Sorry, Sir."

I hoped he couldn’t detect the sarcasm in my voice but his expression made me believe otherwise. I finished tying it around his neck, completing it off by centering it.

"Thank you."

I didn’t acknowledge him.

I didn’t want anything from him. I wasn’t expecting anything to come out of the sex. I just wanted him to be somewhat decent. It wasn’t my fault. It was his. His comment made me snap. It was whatever though. His ‘thank you’ would be the closest I’d get to an apology.

"I should get changed now. I’ll be out in a second."

"No, wait."

 Before I knew what was happening, he went to grab at my forearm. I quickly flinched away from him trying to avoid him touching me.

Zayn exhaled a long steady sigh.

"Okay. I deserved that." He was clearly still angry. "I shouldn’t have mentioned him. If he is there, he won’t even look at you, okay? He’s not going to touch you again."

Despite his clipped tone, his brown eyes looked at me with a softness. Both his hands dug themselves deep into his pockets with his thumbs poking out.

“Okay.” I said, wary of his sudden change in demeanor. But that’s Zayn for you. Fucking mood swings and all.

“That’s all you’re going to say to me?” He questioned.

“What else am I supposed to say? It wasn’t an apology but I’m still grateful you said it.”

“I don’t have to apologize to you.” His ‘profound’ statement made him sound like a child. “You could have said you were grateful.”

“Sorry, Sir. Can I get dressed now?”

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