Chapter 43. Babe

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“Zayn!” Alec boomed. He stood directly in the center of the doorway- completely blocking Zayn’s and my view into the house. An expensive looking wine glass was being waved carelessly around in Alec’s hand. There was a slight sway to his assertive stance. Zayn’s hand found mine, his fingers locking with my own.

“Alec.” Zayn addressed him with a curt nod.

“Ava, you look lovely tonight.” Alec gushed. He threw his head back in slurred laughter. Dinner hadn’t even been served yet and he was already full with alcohol.

I nodded in response, keeping my eyes locked on the ground as Zayn had told me. I wanted to be good tonight and make Zayn happy. Zayn’s angry side was over staying its welcome.

“Shouldn’t we come inside? It’s getting cold.” Zayn muttered.

“Oh yes, yes! Of course!” Alec threw his hands up, gesturing for us to come inside. The liquid content within his glass slipped around, droplets spraying everywhere. Zayn pressed himself closer to me and I clutched his hand tighter. We stepped into the house and followed Alec into the foyer.

There was beer cans and champagne bottles discarded everywhere. The tables and countertops were littered with trash as well as the floor and someone was passed out in the corner. Alec rushed ahead, leaving Zayn and I stranded in the middle of a drunken soiree.

Zayn’s hand left mine. He snaked his arm around my waist, earning the attention of a few party-goers. His face suddenly became close to mine and I leaned into him enjoying the sense of him being near me. I felt safe with him in places like this.

“I told you it wasn’t formal. Dinner is going to much worse but you did well with walking in. Keep doing what you’re doing.” He drawled in my ear.

“How long do we have to stay?” I asked in a hushed voice.

“Probably until after we eat. Don’t expect this to be a proper dinner either. No three coursed meals, no folded napkins and people with manners. This world does not consist of that shit. I can’t explain to you what it’s going to be like but just don’t expect anything extravagant.”

I dipped my head in understanding. Believe me, I wasn’t expecting anything of the sort.

Alec found us a few minutes later. We had stayed exactly where he had left us. Zayn kept me occupied by pointing out as many passed out bodies as he could find.

“The dinner is on the next level. George will be arriving shortly.” Alec told Zayn. He seemed to have cleared himself up. How he did it, I have no clue. But the sloshed man I had seen minutes ago was gone.

“We can’t stay long, unfortunately. I have business to handle later on.” Zayn said calmly. His arm held me closer. Alec was staring at Zayn through narrowed eyes. I kept my own from wandering to meet his. I could feel both his and Alec’s gazes burning into me.

“Well, unfortunately for your cock, you won’t be able to leave until it’s over. We have many important things to discuss. I wouldn’t want you missing out on valuable information, now would I?” Alec’s voice was sickly sweet to match the smirk on his face. I looked up just in time to see Zayn’s jaw clench in frustration. I looked away again. I was missing something.

“Funny you should say that, Alec.”

The tension between the two men was nearly suffocating.

“Right. Well, let’s go upstairs shall we?”

Alec disappeared once more. Zayn and I continued walking in the direction Alec had vanished.

“Don’t fall for it. It’s just a façade. Under the shockingly correct grammar and empty smiles, they’ve all spent time behind bars for things you didn’t even know could be done.”

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