*Chapter 11*

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Criss was really kissing me hot and heavily on the couch...when he decided he was tired of waiting for me to answer him, so he carefully picked me up and carried me into his bedroom...he kicked the door shut with me still in his arms...he laid me gently on the bed and crawled in next to me. He very slowly removed my clothes, and gently slid his fingers up and down my body, getting a good feel of me...I moved away from him feeling a little insecure, he just slowed down and told me he wouldn't hurt me. I closed my eyes for a moment just to regroup myself mentally, then thought about all the times I told everyone how sexy he was and how much I wanted him...then opened my eyes and realized now was my chance to have him for real.

I moved close to him, and nervously put my arms around his neck, and offered to give him a kiss. He gave me his sexy smile and accepted my gift gladly. Criss was really getting turned on now, and he stripped his clothes off and kept touching me very passionately. His touch was like a deep magical fire, driving my senses into a frenzy. He then moved from beside me, to on top of me...he slowly pressed up against me and delve deep into me, Criss threw me into a deep lustful passion I never been in before...his fire from extreme desire was now lit and very bright, his thrusts were stronger and longer lasting, with each graceful movement he made. When he finally got me into orgasmic ecstasy I moaned and cried out in all the pleasure he was emitting...and just before he came, he screamed out my name in complete and total satisfaction. He playfully dropped on top of me and drowned me with sweet butterfly kisses, and our sweat. He lay down with his head on my chest gently kissing and sucking on my neck, as he thanked me for the amazing night of fun-filled passion.

Criss was sound asleep after giving me 3 hickeys on my neck...I just lay there and played in his hair, and thinking about what was going to happen next...was this just a one night thing, or did he maybe like me enough to want to be with me again...a lot of those kinds of questions flooded my mind after he fell asleep, that it began to touch me emotionally and tears began to run down my face. But sleep finally came to me as well and I just snuggled down with him and fell asleep in his warm and strong embrace.

When I finally woke up the next morning I looked around and Criss was nowhere to be found, and neither was Johnny...so I jumped into the shower and cleaned up, then got dressed and headed out the door. I made it to my room and decided I didn't feel like seeing anyone today, for I was going through a lot of emotional confusion, and I couldn't control my tears. so I just lay down on my bed and fell asleep.

About three hours later, Rachel and Sandy came knocking on my door, and asking me if I was in there...I slowly got up and unlocked the door and went back to bed. Rachel quickly asked me if I was alright, and I told her, yeah, but I was just in an emotionally confused state of mind right at the moment. Sandy was rattling off at how awesome her night was, and how much she was in love with her tough but sweet Rock 'N' Roll stud muffin, Sully Erna. After Sandy got finished telling her night of romance...Rachel told us both of her loving night with JD Sarantakos...and how sweet and slow he wanted to take it...for he wanted to be all in for the real long haul...then Rachel jumped in bed next to me, and squealed with delight, for he was interested in doing that long haul with her!!!

I looked at her for a minute and asked her what her parents were going to say about that...Rachel got depressed real fast knowing how strict and protective her parents were...but then stated that she would not let them ruin her one true chance at complete happiness...then she said JD was going to pick her up for lunch today, and she'd get to meet his daughter Dimi as well. I told her how happy I was for her, and that JD was a very sweet and handsome guy. Sandy jumped in and said what about her guy!!! I stopped and laughed at her and told her of course Sully Erna was a rugged sexy ass Rock N Roller...and that I would love to meet him and get his autograph, for I was a huge Godsmack fan, unlike Sandy she didn't even know what Godsmack was until I gave her the lesson on him...and now she was dating the Rock legend himself...in a way I was jealous, one for I wasn't sure about Criss and his intentions, and for the fact that both Sully and JD, were interested in having a longer-term relationship with my two very awesome and lucky girlfriends.

Noon came around rather quickly, and JD was at the door to pick Rachel up for their lunch date...after Rachel left, Sandy asked me to go down and grab a bite to eat with her...for Sully wasn't going to pick her up until a little later. I didn't want to go, but I did...no sooner than I sat down at the table, I heard a very familiar voice calling me...I turned around, and little Johnny was once again running away from Jennifer...he squealed as he crawled up into my lap. I shared my lunch with him, then gave him a sip out of my fountain drink. 

Jennifer ran up to me and viciously grabbed him from my lap, and told me how dare I let this boy drink out of your cup...that she didn't know if I had some kind of sickness or disease...I stood up as Johnny was crying and reaching out for me...I told her I knew Johnny and that I was a friend of Criss's...Jennifer slapped Johnny's hand away from me and told him to shut-up...then started to walk away...Johnny's crying turned into hysterical screaming...everyone in the lobby heard him...I ran down in front of her and pried Johnny from her hands and told her to never touch him again!!!

Criss heard his son, and came running out of the office...hollering what in the hell are you doing to my son!! Criss was pissed!!!

hollering what in the hell are you doing to my son!! Criss was pissed!!!

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