*Chapter 24*

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I was still in shock from hearing Criss Angel saying he was willing to marry me...Criss was still talking through the phone but I was so out of it I literally dropped the phone...Criss smiled to himself and said as he hung up the phone that I liked his idea...then he went back to work until it was his lunch break.

I asked Sandy what I should do...but she said to take that sexy Mindfreak and make him yours forever...that it was a chance of a lifetime, and an opportunity like that was not going to ever come around for me again...I told her I knew that, but I was actually afraid of it. And then I added that I was too young to get married...Sandy asked me how much I loved Criss...then asked me how much I wanted to get away from my past life...she then clapped her hands together and said Criss was offering to do all that for you in one swing...

Just as I was about to answer her...Criss came in the door and opened his arms for me to jump in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on his nose. Sandy said hi to him, then went back into her room where Sully was sprawled out all over the bed naked sound asleep...she went in and whispered in his ear to slide a cheek, for she wanted to join her Rock 'N' Roll Romeo...he gave her a cheesy grin and rolled over and as soon as she was in he rolled back on top of her. I looked in and told her I'd talk to her later, then told her how cute they were together. Criss grabbed my hand a gave me a horny smile and said he would be happy to be cute on me as well...I told him to get his horny little ass in the car and take me to his house.

What I didn't realize was that my parents were following Criss in a taxi. When my father how I was hanging on Criss...a spiteful hatred grew from the pit of his stomach, and he told his wife that he wanted Criss dead. My mother just kept silent...as he continued to follow us in there vehicle. Criss pulled up in the driveway and playfully carried me to the house...I let out a squeal and jumped out of his arms and ran straight for the back yard where the pool was...Criss was so on his game he ran out expecting to see me in the water, but I was hiding behind him...before he knew it I ran up behind him and pushed him in!! clothes and all...Then I laughed and told him I got him that time...he swam toward me and said I was loco...he jumped half out of the pool and grabbed my wrist and pulled me in with him.

My mother watched from the car, and was beginning to realize how he and I really felt for one another and thought we, in fact, made a cute pair...despite our age difference...but Criss was young enough at heart to make up for his age...he was always telling me that it was just a number anyway...and he was not going to let anything a tiny as a number stop him from being with me...I passionately kissed his velvety lips and told him me neither.

Criss carried me out of the pool, and we dried off then went inside...where my father was waiting for us with a gun pointed right at Criss's chest...he looked down and saw his dogs all laying on the floor around my father's feet...Criss was so hurt and pissed at the same time I felt his hatred boil...for he had a death grip on my hand...I looked up at him and screamed at him that he didn't have to do that to Criss's baby's...my father just told us both to shut up, and that he didn't kill the mangy bastards...they were merely tranquilized. But now that he knows how much he loves them...he would shoot them...if he tried anything...but the animals weren't his target, that Criss was his target...for taking me away from him, and for having sex with me, knowing I was a minor...

I was so scared that tears were streaming down my face...begging my dad not to hurt him...Criss was still holding my hand and said he wasn't going to...for my ole man was a coward...I asked Criss not to rile him...my father than out of the blue hit Criss as hard as he could on the side of the head with his gun...Criss went down...I followed him and caught his head before he hit the marble floor. I was automatically wrapped around him and wiping the blood from his head out of his face...Criss shook it off, and tried to stand...but I held him down begging him not to move.

My father was really starting to enjoy my fear and Criss's suffering...even though deep down my dad felt bad for emotionally hurting me...he really hated Criss Angel and everything he was...and wanted to see this so called Lord of Illusion fall from his mountain top...he wanted to watch his crawl, and by the time he was done with him...he wanted Criss to beg him to kill him. But what my father didn't understand was even if Criss was a pauper on the streets...he would never break down and beg anyone for anything...Criss was a domineering, determined, and a  very driven guy...and he would never bow down to anyone...for he was a true competitive spirit, and would die fighting.

Criss put his hand on my face and kissed me then he got up and looked at my father and told him if that was the best he could fucking do...and that he was still standing. My father decided to knock him off his high horse a little more and shot Criss in the shoulder...but Criss refused to drop down, but he did take two steps closer to my father...my father got a little intimidated by Criss's will power and shot him in his other shoulder...I was screaming and begging him to stop hurting him, but Criss was in his own world and he felt no pain...my father was really scared now for Criss kept closing in on him...my father shot him two more times one in each leg, Criss grabbed the gun out of his hands, and grabbed him by his throat and lifted him up against the wall, then pointed the gun at his head...and said it was his turn...with blood pouring out of Criss everywhere...he cocked the hammer back on the gun, and told my father the only difference was...that he never missed his target...he wasn't going to shoot for pain...he was going to shoot to kill.

I went up to Criss and put my hand on his...and he eased off the trigger, and looked deep into my eyes...I told him he has lost, and he wasn't worth the cost of a bullet...and that the worst thing that Criss could do, was to send him to prison for an attempt of murder on him...Criss smiled and dropped him...then turned around and pointed the gun right at my father's face and pulled the trigger...and Criss actually made him piss his pants...but Criss told him that the gun was empty...for all the bullets were already in him. I called the police and they hauled him off and my mom disappeared...then moments later an ambulance arrived to take Criss and get the slugs out of him...and to stitch him up. The hospital wanted to keep him a few days...but Criss refused, and went home shortly after they fixed him up.

Later that night I stayed up and cried in his arms...for the trauma, I went through...I thought I was going to see him die today...and begged him never to scare me like that again...and that I never wanted to leave his side...Criss placed his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me very sexually, and then said if I never wanted to leave him...then I should accept his wedding proposal. I giggled at him and said I just wasn't ready for marriage...that I was too young...Criss looked at me and asked me if I loved him...I told him more than life...and then he asked me if I loved having sex with him...I smiled and said oh yeah...he smiled at me, and said then I wasn't too young to marry him...for you already had all it took to be a wife, the only things I didn't have was the marriage license and a wedding ring on my finger. Criss pretended to be in pain and told me...that it was so wrong to refuse a man in dire need of my attention, that was badly wounded. I gave him a loving squeeze and told him...if he wanted me to marry him...I would for him become Mrs. Mindfreak...He gave me his million watt smile and said Yes!! Score One for the Mindfreak!!

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