*Chapter 18*

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I spun around quickly and told him it was better if I went back to the hotel... Until after she left. Criss grabbed me up in his arms and kissed me gently on the lips, and told the cab driver he wouldn't be having any passengers this time. He took my hand and walked me back to the house... Johnny ran out the door hollering and squealing...he slid between Criss's legs and jumped into my arms. Shaunyl walked out holding his clothes, and telling him to get back inside so she could bathe him, and get him ready for his noon-time nap... As soon as she saw Johnny curled up in my arms...she walked up to me and swiped him away from me. She gave me an evil glare without Criss seeing it... Then went back inside... But before leaving... She looked right at me and told me to keep away from her son...and if she wanted one to make one herself. Criss stopped her by grabbing her wrist...then ordered Shaunyl to apologize to me...she refused at first...but when Criss told her either apologize or get out of his house...she light-heartedly apologized knowing she couldn't leave yet... For her mind was made up... She wasn't leaving without her son.

Criss told me to ignore Shaunyl...and took me inside with him... Johnny still refused to let Shaunyl put him in his PJ's. Shaunyl looked at Criss and told him in a huff...for him to stop ogling at me...and help with his son. Criss simply called Johnny over to him...then removed his day clothes...he motioned to Shaunyl to throw him Johnny's PJ's...after she did... Johnny looked at daddy and let out a squeal...and ran over to me and crawled up in my lap...I tried to ignore him...but he kept it up and began to cry when I didn't acknowledge him...Criss knew why I was trying...but I failed miserably. I hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead and apologized to him for being mean. He stood up on my lap and gave me a kiss and raised his arms wanting me to put his jammies on him...for he got used to me doing it for him. Criss gave me a wink and tossed his jammies to me.

I put them on for him easily...afterwards he layed in my lap and fell asleep instantly, while I was rubbing his head. Criss looked at Shaunyl's expression and he told her to keep it to herself, as Criss walked over to me and he took his son and went to his bedroom and tucked him in. Shaunyl was infuriated...for the fact that her son let me dress him...and not her.

When Criss came back in he asked me if I wanted to join him for a noon nap as well... I looked up at him insecurely, but he gave me a devilish grin and picked me up and told me that him and Shaunyl have been over for a very long time...then he carried me to the bedroom, playfully tossed me on the bed and jumped in behind me...he wanted to be playful...he kissed the back of my neck...then he lightly blew on it where he kissed me...which gave me chill bumps all over... I smacked him and told him to be nice. He rolled me over to face him then he gave me a sweet kiss and promised me that my crazy Crissy would be a good boy... I gave a little laugh and smiled at him and jokingly told him he better be.

He wrapped both of his arms around me and snuggled up even closer and kissed me once more then we both closed our eyes for a short but sweet catnap. Shaunyl walked passed the room and just gave a sneer and went to check on Johnny...then she laid on the sofa and took a nap herself.

It was now 6:40 p.m. Criss got up and kissed my cheek, then headed down to Johnny's room. He walked in as Shaunyl was getting his last shoe on for him...when she got up holding her son, she ran right into him...Criss asked her where she was going with Johnny...Shaunyl simply told him she was taking him to town with her.

Criss asked her when she'd be bringing him back...she turned to him and said around supper-time. Criss asked her to make sure she came back on time, for his mom wanted to spend time with her grandson before he goes back to Australia. JD and Costa wanted to spend some time with him too.

Shaunyl went out the door and told him she'd be back for supper...but she told Criss she'd like it if he would tell me to leave until after she and Johnny left...Criss told her very quickly that I wasn't going nowhere...and that she'd have to get used to it.

I went down slowly too the front door and stepped outside...and used my cell to call for a cab. After 15 minutes the cab pulled up in the driveway... I hopped in and told the driver to head to the Luxor. Criss heard a car pull out, he looked out the door and saw I was in the cab. Criss ran out and chased the cab until it turned around the corner. He ran back up to the house and looked right into Shaunyl's face and asked her if she was happy now! Criss called the Luxor and asked them to let him know when I came into the hotel. They told him they'd notify him...then he hung up the phone.

Shaunyl took Johnny to her cab she called and went shopping for a few hours...meanwhile Dimitra, JD, Costa and their girlfriends; Rachel and Kayla came to Serenity for the family supper. The first thing Rachel asked Criss, was where was I at?? Criss turned away from everyone and said I went to the Luxor... For Shaunyl doesn't like me being around, so I left on my own accord...but as Criss grabbed his keys...he told everyone he wasn't having supper without me...so he drove off to bring me back...Criss met up with Shaunyl's cab and told her, he'd be back soon...that he had to run an errand...then he peeled off to The Luxor.

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