"Chapter 12"

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Criss was now right in front of me and Jennifer...and his eyes were on fire!!! Johnny was holding me with a death grip, and he was still crying hysterically, while he was burying his head in my neck...Criss blew up on both of us for answers...Jennifer was spouting out all kinds of lie's about it and laying the blame on me...but I was so pissed of at her, that I just kept my mouth shut and let her ramble....and if Criss wanted to believe her power to him.

Criss looked at me, and asked me to tell him what happened...I switched Johnny to my other side, and told him I was sitting at this table with Sandy, grabbing a bite to eat, and I heard Johnny hollering for me, and when I turned around he crawled up in my lap wanting to share my food and when he asked for a drink, I gladly gave it to him...and out of nowhere this mean ass bitch ran up to me and swiped Johnny out of my arms, pissed at me for me sharing my drink with him, and for the fact that she is mean to him, so he gets away from her everytime she watches him. After she grabbed him the second time she hurt him when she grabbed him...and that's why he is in my arms crying right now, with bruises and red marks up and down his arms.

Criss looked at his son and kissed his forehead, and brushed his tears away...he looked directly at me and said he believed me...he turned to Jennifer and told her she was fired! And she needed to leave this casino, and never come back...if she did, he'd press charges on her. Jennifer told him to take his son and me, and shove them both up his ass...she was tired of wiping his son's ass for him all the time...and needed a real job...for she had higher prospects than being a rich celebrities child babysitter. Then she slapped Criss and walked out. Criss went over to me and kissed me on the cheek, then took his son, and looked him over to make sure he was alright...then he gave him an airplane ride all the way back down to his store. I turned and went back to the table to finish eating with Sandy, until Sully gets here to take her on another date.

Sully came by and took Sandy to his music studio he was working at in Vegas for a few weeks, and he sang some of his songs to her. Which she enjoyed very much...his voice was so deep, raspy, and sexy...almost mesmerizing. I just sat at the table still in emotional confusion all alone...Criss never said anything about last night, and never came back to talk to me, or to ask me to go with him and Johnny...so I just stayed away...Just as I was getting ready to head back up to my room, a very sexy man bumped into me, and took one look at me, and said sorry for running into you like that...wow you are sexy!! Then he asked me my name...I laughed and told him my name was Kc...he took my hand and kissed it, and said he was Klay...I looked at him again...and it suddenly dawned on me!!! Holy Shit!! You are Klayton Scott! of Celldweller!! I love your work! And your hair! I love your hair....can I touch it?!

Klayton gave me a wide ass grin, and said sure go ahead...as I was playing in his hair, he said I was very adorable when I was excited. I blushed a little now for knowing that I was babbling a little...then out of the blue he asked me if I was here with my husband/boyfriend...I told him no, that I didn't have either...He had a look of joy, when I told him that...and he asked me if I was available for a date...I thought of it and really didn't want to say no to him, but then I just told him that I sort of thought I was going to be with Criss, but he has been ignoring me since last night.

Klayton looked at you for a moment, and asked me if I meant Criss Angel...I said yes...he said oh good, excuse me for just a minute Sweet Pea, and I will get your frown turned upside down for you real fast...Klayton then took off like a ball of fire, and jumped into the Mindfreak store where Criss was laying Johnny on the sofa, for his nap, but he was still awake...Klay jumped on Criss's back, and kissed him on the cheek...Johnny squealed in delight when he seen his Uncle Klayton...Criss turned and said he was going to kick his ass for getting his son wide awake once again...Klayton just blew raspberries at Criss, and jumped on the couch next to Johnny, and put him in his lap, and played patty cake with him...

Criss gave him a cheesy grin, and asked him what in the hell was he doing here anyways...Klayton looked up and told him to take a very beautiful girl away from him. Criss just looked at him like he was not all there...then said what girl?...Klay said Kc, she tells me that she had a very amazing night with you, and today you ignore her like she has the plague...and if you just wanted her for a one nighter, well I will gladly take her off you hands...only I will keep her.

Criss told Klay to keep his hands off me real quick...that he just wanted to give me my space, not knowing how I was going to react after doing that with him...but now beens he knows how I was reacting about it through Klay...he told Klayton to make sure Johnny took his nap, and he was going out to get me, and bring me back to the store.

Klayton looked at Johnny, and told him very playfully, ain't it about time your daddy gets his head out of his butt, and brings that girl into his life, before she was taken by someone else...like me for instance...Johnny gave his Uncle Klayton a big smile, and then curled up on his lap and fell asleep, with his binky in his mouth. 

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