*Chapter 19*

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Criss pulled up in his black Lambo and rushed into the Luxor...he asked Tracey the lady behind the counter if she had seen me, she said with a smile that she got in about an hour ago and went straight to her room. Criss thanked her and ran to the elevators...and waited for it to stop on the third floor...he jumped out of the elevator and ran to room 313...he knocked a few times, then magically opened the door and called out to me.

I was sitting in the chair facing the window, and I didn't say a word. Criss walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me gently on the cheek, and begged me to come back to Serenity with him. Without looking, I simply told him I didn't belong there...and that I needed to stop dreaming about things that wasn't going to happen. Criss spun me and the chair around to face him...and he said dreaming is the first step of achieving any goal...and that I should never give up any dream I have. Then he pulled me out of the chair and said he couldn't have dinner without me. I asked him why, and he gave a slight grin, and said he had a surprise for me, and it wouldn't do any good if the surprisee wasn't going to be there. Criss then kissed my hand and I followed him back to the elevators...he then waved to Tracey and said he was now happy for he found me, then walked out of the Luxor and rushed me into the Lambo and peeled off back to Serenity.

Criss stopped the car, just before he came up to his driveway and looked right into my blue eyes and told me never to leave him like that again, and kissed my hand and pulled up in the driveway. I very timidly followed him back inside, not sure on what he was planning, but I wasn't at all in the mood to deal with Shaunyl and her jealousy of how Lil Johnny loved me and she didn't like it...but I mentally decided that I was never going to ignore Johnny for her again for I couldn't handle the sadness it gave him. I loved him so much...I couldn't love him more.

I was immediately greeted by JD and Rachel, and she hugged me with a sense of worry wondering if I was alright...I just showed her with my expressions that I was ok. Dimitra came up to me and gave me a big squeeze and kissed me on the cheek and said how happy she was to see me again...Shaunyl really hated that...for Dimitra never greeted her like that, not even when she was married to Criss. Johhny was sitting on the floor playing with Oso, when he saw me...he jumped up and raced right to me squealing my name very loudly while mixing in a few giggles in between. I knelt down and opened my arms for him to jump into...I picked him up and kissed him on his forehead. Oso and Chicklet both were so happy they ran over me trying to get their kisses in as well and I was on my ass with both dogs licking me to death with Johnny laughing and screeching at how much fun he was having...Criss rushed over and pulled them both off of me and had Johnny in one arm and hauled me to my feet with his free hand...and smiled at me and said everyone was happy to have me back.

Dimitra let the excitement die down before she told everyone to go into the dining hall, for the dinner was ready...everyone piled into the room and had arranged seatings for everyone...but Johnny quickly didn't like the idea of being in between his mom and Costa's girlfriend...he wanted daddy and me. But Shaunyl put her foot down and Criss told Johnny to stay. After eating a very lovely meal prepared by Dimitra and Rachel, I got up and began to pick up the dirty dishes and take them into the kitchen to wash, but Criss stopped me and sat me on his lap.

I looked around at everyone and they all seemed to know what was happening, Criss kissed my neck and very silently placed a ring on my finger, and asked me to accept his terms of engagement with him...I was lost in the moment I couldn't think, speak, or move....tears began to fall and I couldn't handle all the emotions I was feeling, I got up and went into the other room and quickly tried to collect my thoughts...Criss didn't know how to take my reaction, so a little worried and disappointed he followed me into the parlor...and asked me why I ran out like that...I looked up at him and told him I was lost in emotion, and I just needed a moment to collect my thoughts...he walked up to me and kissed my lips and asked if I collected them yet?

I smiled at him and said most of them, but I wasn't sure if it was possible for me to accept his very loving offer, even though it was my dream coming true...but I was in fact just here on vacation and eventually my parents would find out and cause all kinds of trouble for me and him...Criss simply said all things are not without their little challenges...and he for one was very much up and ready for this particular challenge, and really wanted me in his life...for I was that special someone he has been waiting a long time for.

He very romantically swept me off my feet and carried me back into the dining hall and told everyone it was all good and I accepted...he sat down with me on the chair and kissed my neck and told his mommy that he was happy now. Costa took care of the dishes along with his girlfriend...and Criss was in a heavy conversation with JD, and his mom, that Rachel took me into the other room and gave me a big hug of congratulations but then swiped her hand out and showed me that JD has asked her as well a few days ago, and that she said yes after getting her blessing from her parents, which were very happy for her. Plus for the fact that she was getting in with a very wealthy and loving family.

I hugged her back and told her how adorable her and JD looked together, and that little Dimi loved Rachel so much...she was already calling her mom. I changed the subject really quickly and asked if she had heard anything from Sandy...we both looked at each other and Rachel said the last she seen of Sandy was running off with Sully...over a week ago. We both laughed and headed back into the dining hall where our guys were waiting for us. Dimitra was holding Johnny he fell asleep in all the excitement. Costa grabbed his nephew and helped his mom out of the chair for her legs fell asleep...then told Criss he'd put Johnny to bed for him, before he took his girlfriend and mom back to the house. Criss nodded in approval. Shaunyl was wiping off the table, then told everyone night for she had to get up early for her flight back home tomorrow. Everyone said there goodbyes, and left for home then Criss got up and kissed my hand before following Shaunyl into her room.

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