*Chapter 15*

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Sully and Sandy were know dancing and partying at Hog's N' Heifer's Bar having a blast...Sandy was now very plastered and she jumped up on the bar and began dancing with the girls...Sully waved some money to Sandy and she did a back bend and grabbed the money with her teeth...Sully then grabbed her and pulled her off the bar and placed her in his lap...the girl's from the bar walked over to Sandy and offered her a job, Sully put the card in his pocket and told them she'd think about it when she was sober again...

Rachel left with JD and 'Lil Dimi for they were clashing like peanut butter and jelly...she couldn't have asked for a better guy than JD, and JD was so amazed that a young beautiful girl like Rachel would want anything to do with him especially when he had a daughter. But Rachel loved being with him and Dimi...I for one was very happy for her, I had never seen her so happy. And for that matter, I haven't seen Sandy at all since Sully came and got her...I was beginning to wonder what happened to her...but Criss added that being with Sully, she didn't have to worry...for Sully would take care of her...he just couldn't promise what condition she'd be in...for Sully was an extreme party animal.

Costa took Dimitra home, and once again it was just Criss, Johnny and me. Johnny was beginning to get a little cranky...and Criss handed him to me very quickly and said he was tired, and that he was going to fight his sleep...and that he was now officially my kid until he went to sleep...I laughed at Criss and told him he was such a big baby...Johnny looked up at me and giggled and mimicked me and called his daddy big baby....I rocked him back and forth and walked to the elevator...once we all entered it, and went up to his suite...Johnny was sound asleep before we made it to his door.

I laid Johnny in his bed and tucked him in...then I kissed his forehead and turned off his light. Criss followed me and asked me with a little huff, how I got him to sleep so easy without all his fussy crankiness...not even Shaunyl could get him to sleep that easy...I told him very honestly that I had no idea...I just gave it a try, and it worked...that I never had any knowledge about taking care of toddlers, for I never been around any. Criss picked me up like I was weightless and kissed me on the nose and said I was a natural mommy figure...then he swooped me around and I ended up being held by him bridal style and then he crashed on the couch with me on top of him...he started showering me with butterfly kisses...when his new cell phone started ringing...Criss ignored it and kept on finding interesting places on my neck to kiss...so I grabbed his phone from his back pocket...he moaned a little perverted and asked me to do that again only move a little further down...I playfully smacked him and told him how wicked he was...I quickly handed him the phone and told him it was Shaunyl. He looked at me and said tough shit...and said he didn't want to be bothered with her right now...and took his phone and tossed it on the chair behind him, and went back to finding new interests on me to kiss on.

Shaunyl was now officially pissed for Criss ignoring her calls for the last hour...but Criss got tired of her calling every 5 minutes...so he answered in a somewhat of a hostile manner and told her he was busy...Shaunyl ordered him to put her baby on the phone...Criss laughed sarcastically and told her that was gonna fly like a rock...Johnny was taking his nap from all the fun and excitement he had today, made him very tired. Shaunyl added that she was going to be there tomorrow around 2:00 to pick him up and take him home.

Criss argued that point with her for the next 3 hours telling her that he still had over 2 weeks in his time slot to have his son with him...but Shaunyl stated that she didn't know how long her modeling would last in Paris, so she got out earlier than she thought, but wanted to go home but wasn't making a second trip to Vegas just to pick her son up when she could just take him now while she was still in the U.S. Plus she didn't  want Johnny around me anymore. Criss immediately cut her off and told her not to ever knock me around him...and hung up on her, then turned his volume off.

I was in Johnny's room looking down at him and brushing his adorable dark hair from his face...Criss came in and wrapped his arms around me, and asked me to join him...I turned to face him and asked him to join him where...he quietly whispered in my ear that he wanted to take a nice luxurious bath with me...so I let him take my hand and he pulled me all the way to the bathroom, where he had the nice bubbly water already prepared for us...He very seductively removed my clothes, I snickered as he made me blush...I hopped in the tub first...then as I waited for Criss, I watched as he just jumped in next to me clothes on and all!! I asked him what he was thinking...but when he came out from the bubbles...he wasn't wearing anything!! I was blown away!! and asked him how in the hell did he do that!? He gave me a very sexy smile and whispered in my ear one word..."MAGIC."

For the next few hours we played in the tub and washed each other...then he decided to get a little frisky and kept accidently dropping the soap in between my legs...until I figured him out, and I tossed the soap out of the tub...he gave a mild pout, then sloshed on top of me and we roughhoused in the tub...until I told him I give up, and that he won...he kissed me and said he knew that was right! We ended up making out for a few hours before we looked like a couple of prunes...he pulled me out of the tub, and we dried each other off and put on some comfortable lounge around clothes....then we snuggled in his bedroom and took a nice nap.

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