*Chapter 13*

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Criss was running through the casino looking all over for you...but when he realized you were no longer down in the Lobby, he went to the front desk, and asked for your room number...the lady knew Criss very well, and told him her room number was 313. He flew to the elevator, and went to room 313...he knocked on the door, but I was laying on the bed, not wanting to talk or see anyone...

Criss then asked me through the closed door, if I was alright...I told him no I wasn't...then I asked him what I did wrong...to be ignored all day. Criss opened my door and walked in...he sat down on the bed next to me, and rubbed my back and said I did nothing wrong, he just didn't know how I was going to react to what he did with me last night, so he thought he was doing the right thing by giving me my space, instead of pushing himself on me. Then he added if he knew it was going to make me feel badly...he would have never done it...he layed down next to me and kissed my neck, and whispered a deep and sincere apology.

I got up and gave him a hug...then asked him how he got into my room without the key...he simply showed me his hands, and said Master Escapologist...there is no lock these hands can't pick...he said with a mild humor. Criss took my hand gently, and begged me with his sexy eyes to go back downstairs with him into his store...for he couldn't have fun yet, for all the shit he had to stock on the shelves, and check all the inventory, for JD was usually doing that for him, but beens he was on a date with his new girlfriend...he had to do it himself...

I jumped off the bed and pulled him out the door, and told him, I would be very happy to help him out...he let me drag him all the way to elevator laughing his ass off...when we got in the elevator he grabbed me and kissed me very deeply and asked me if I'd make out with him in the elevator...I told him not on his best day...I wasn't going to be half stripped when the doors open to hundreds of people wanting to go to their rooms...he just gave me a pouting look, and said man you ain't no fun at all...so I told him you don't think I am any fun huh!...when the elevator stopped and just before the door opened, I pulled his jeans down, and ran to the store laughing the entire way...he turned a flushed red, as an old couple were trying to enter the elevator...he just told them his girlfriend was mad at him for a comment he gave her in the elevator...then he chased after me while pulling his jeans up...and shouting he was so going to get me back!!

I walked into the store and seen Klayton asleep on the couch with Johnny tucked in his arms...so I walked slowly passed them and grabbed the inventory sheet on the clipboard, and headed to the back room...Criss finally made it in the room behind me, and said that was so not cool of me...I told him without looking at him...next time you have a mind to tell me I am not fun...you should just let that thought go without saying it aloud. He grabbed me and hung me upside down with one arm and tickled me with his other, and made me say I was sorry...but it took him a little longer than he thought it would...for as much as I hated being tickled...I was very stubborn. He tossed us both on the pile of new Mindfreak Affliction shirts, and jumped on top of me...drowning me with butterfly kisses.

Klayton came in and said we both made enough noise to wake the dead...Johnny was in his arms wide awake...and when he saw daddy ontop of me...he giggled and asked for downie...Klay put him down and Johnny ran over to us both wanting to play dog pile too...so he jumped on top of both of us, and screeched me wins!! Criss rolled off me, and grabbed Johnny and pushed him up into the air above him, and said he wins he wins....then he brought him down and kissed him in his cheek and gave him a bear hug. I grabbed my phone and took pictures of that for it was so adorable. Johnny looked at me, then pointed at me...Criss handed him to me, I took him and he gave me a kiss then decided he wanted to give me a hug too.

Criss helped us both up, then grabbed the inventory sheet, and got back to work...Johnny said he wanted Uncle Kwayton, so I took him back out to the couch where Klayton decided to make it his official resting spot for the time...and I put Johnny next to him...and he snuggled under Klay's arm and went back for another nap. I took a few snap shots of that as well...for it was so cute, Johnny playing in Klay's sexy red hair, until he fell asleep. I headed back in the back to help Criss finish up the inventory...2 hours later we were done, and all he had to do now was take the new merchandise and display it in his store.

Criss let me coordinate where it was to go, and then I began to set it all up...while he watched with major amusement...for I was very picky at where I wanted each item to go...but when I finished he was very amazed at how awesome it looked...it was the best display in his entire store. He woke Klay up and told him he was very hungry, that if he wanted to watch Johnny while me and him went to get some food for them all that it would be awesome.

Klayton just held Johnny a little tighter and said no problem, that he was hungry too. Criss held out his hand wanting me to hold it, then we both headed to one of the restraunts in the casino to get some takeout...we got back and set the plates on the coffee table in front of the couch...Klay got up then Johnny did...I served everyone, then served myself...but just as I was setting down Johnny piped out that he was tirsty, and wanted some jewse...Criss told him to eat first, then he would go get him some juice. I told him I would go get it for him, for I was still up. 5 minutes later I came back with some apple juice...Johnny gave me his adorable smile from ear to ear and said tank u...mommy...I looked at him in shock as he called me that. Criss looked at Johnny and told him he knew that wasn't mommy. Johnny just ignored it and said mommy again with a grin.

Criss looked at me, and I looked at him in total disbelief that Johnny would call me that...I quickly told Criss I never once asked him to call me that...Criss told me he didn't think for a minute that I did. Just then Criss's phone rang...he looked at it, and it was Shaunyl wanting to call him through facetime so she could see her lil boy...and to let Criss know she was coming back from her modeling photo shoot in Paris early, and to have Johnny ready for her to pick him up, to take him back home with her...Criss was not happy with her for that. Criss held his phone to the side so she could see her son, that I was still holding...Johnny was smiling at me, and he called me mommy again...and Shaunyl heard it...

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