*Chapter 14*

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Shaunyl not only heard her son call me mommy, but through Criss's phone she saw him call me mommy...she went into a complete spastic fit over the phone, Criss quickly took her off video stream and speaker, and took him and the phone out of the store...I handed Johnny to Klayton and went to the window...Criss and Shaunyl were really going at it...half hour later Criss did a half spin and smashed his phone up against the wall of the Mindfreak Store. Dimitra and Costa were standing by the fountain headed to his store as they watched him explode...Dimitra called to him, and asked him what that was all about...Criss was so pissed off, he raised his voice to his mom, and said Shaunyl was going to try to take full custody of his son...but he also added it would be a cold day in hell, before he let her win!! 

Costa looked at Criss and asked him why she would do something like that to him...Criss looked toward me, and then pointed at the fact that Johnny was now standing beside me hugging my leg. Then he told Costa that Shaunyl heard Johnny call me mommy...that's why. Dimitra asked Criss to calm down a little bit, and give Shaunyl some time to think it over...and she'd probably realize that it wasn't a good idea, and she'd call and apologize... Criss gave a little scoff, and told his mom that Shaunyl was very serious, and he refused to let her take his son from him!

I walked out of the store with Johnny following me crying because he wanted me to pick him up, but I walked over to Criss, then picked him up and handed Johnny to Criss...I kissed them both on the cheek, and told Criss I wasn't going to cause any more trouble for him, then I turned around and headed for the elevator's...Criss was still in his badass Greek temper...he gently handed his still crying son to Costa, and ran up behind me, grabbed me, and said I wasn't going anywhere! Then he layed a very hard and intense kiss on me.

After Criss pulled away from me, he drug me all the way back to his mom and Costa...then stated we were all going out for dinner this evening. He took Johnny back from Costa and handed him to me...then Criss added humorously that his son would be happy now that he got his girlfriend back. I looked down at Johnny and he stopped crying immediately after making it to my arms...he had a wide grin on his face, then bluntly stated: Daddy me hungwy...Dimitra and Costa got quite a laugh about how Johnny had his daddy pistol whipped...Criss let out a slight laugh and said he knew & that we were going for food right now.

Criss ended up taking us to Bonanno's New York Pizzaria, for Criss was in the mood for a huge New York styled Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. Plus his son't favorite food was pizza as well, and he was hollering for pizza the whole way down the lobby...Dimitra just snickered and said she was glad the pizza place was very close by...just for giggles as soon as Johnny went silent...Costa began chanting loudly that he wanted pizza...Criss stopped, turned around and faced his older brother and gave him a Gibb's upside his head, and told him not to encourage his son to misbehave like that in public...Costa jumped on his little brother's back and they rough housed on the lobby floor, as Johnny was rooting for Uncle Costa, Criss looked up and told his son how cold that was...Johnny squealed louder as they played around until Dimitra split them up and told them both to stop being so childish. So they both jumped up and brushed themselves off, and headed to the Bonanno's as if nothing ever happened.

Once inside I placed Johnny in a booster seat, and Dimitra sat on one side of her grandson, and I sat on the other...Criss sat in front of me, and Costa sat in front of Dimitra...I went up and ordered the pizza and then we just sat there and waited...during the wait, Criss asked me for my napkin...then asked Costa for the candle that was on the end of the table...Criss pulled out a lighter and lit the candle, then placed the napkin on the bottom of the candle then pulled the other end of the napkin, and lifted it up over the candle's top...on the third time doing that same exercise the candle vanished into nothingness...he took his bow for we all clapped for an encore, then he grabbed his empty glass and poured some water into the glass...as he was pouring he let go of his glass and it stayed in midair as he poured the water into his glass!!! Johnny squealed in delight...Dimitra simply told her boy he was outstanding...Costa smiled and took the napkin from Criss and blew his nose on it then handed it back to him...while saying there's my trick..

Criss tossed it behind him and it landed right into the garbage without even looking where he tossed it...then he added how disgusting that was...We all laughed then the waiter came out and gave us our pizza...when we were almost done eating Costa noticed JD walking in the Bonanno's, and heading right towards us...and Rachel was right at his side along with little Dimi. Dimitra turned around to see what Costa was looking at, then when she faced them little Dimi wrapped her arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. JD waited his turn then kissed her on the forehead. Rachel gave me smile, and told me with her expression at how happy she was...JD just nodded his head to his brother's and asked if they came to late to crash dinner...Criss laughed at him and swung out the chair next to him and told him to sit his silly ass down...Dimi ran over to Criss and gave him a big hug then went to Costa, and did the same thing, but decided to squeeze in-between her Uncle's to eat. JD pulled Rachel down beside him and told Costa and Dimitra that she was his new girlfriend...and that she and Dimi get along greatly. Dimitra congratulated her son, knowing how depressed he was when Lynn after many years decided she was through with him...she really missed seeing her oldest boy's smile.

Meanwhile Sandy and Sully were still out having the time of their lives!! Rock 'N' Roll Style!!!

Meanwhile Sandy and Sully were still out having the time of their lives!! Rock 'N' Roll Style!!!

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