Chapter Three

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Are you sure this is safe?"I yelled over the roar of Ethan's motorcycle.

"Yeah," he replied. I fingered my helmet strap nervously. He seemed to notice, because he held his hand out to me and said,"I've got you!"

I gripped his hand and swung my leg over the motorcycle, then I wrapped my arms firmly around his middle.

"You ready?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be,"I answered. "I'm trusting you!"

"I know," Ethan called over the engine. "I won't let you down," he added as he kicked off. I cringed and buried my head in between my arm and his back. The wind beat at my bare legs and arms and I tensed even more.

"Relax," Ethan said. "You're safe."

"Fine."I answered, looking up. And that was the last moment I was ever scared on a motorcycle.

I loved it. The buildings streaked by in blurs of black, grey and brown. Throngs of people and cars rushing by flew by like a bright ribbon in the wind. It felt like flying almost, and I couldn't get enough. I laughed at the beauty of it all, surrounding me like stone walls.

Ethan drove straight through downtown, past the maze of skyscrapers, and into a residential area, complete with white picket fences and mini vans. I eyed the happy families enviously- an involved mother, a proud father, and a rambunctious dog playing soccer with two kids- the type of life I never got. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't realize that we were now in a gated neighborhood, where the houses stretched over huge lots of land.

Ethan pulled up into the largest one around, with a huge amount of property surrounding. He turned the engine off, slid off the leather seat, and turned around to look at me.

"So...?" he asked, trying to read the blank expression on my face.

I broke out into a grin. "I loved it!"I laughed, jumping forwards and tackling him in a hug.

"I knew you would,"he answered, smiling.

"Thanks,"I said, now smiling shyly and looking at the ground.

"No problem,"he replied. "Now follow me."

I followed him up the long driveway and up the huge stone steps. He opened the large wooden double doors and let me in.

"I'M HOME!" he yelled. He turned to me. "Welcome to the pack house of Fire Moon, " he said, spreading his arms. We walked over to a huge living room, which held about eight teenagers just hanging out.

A tall blonde guy stood up. "Hey, Ethan. Who's the girl?" he asked.

"Hold on a sec," Ethan said.

"Hey, attention over here!" he called. The TV paused and the girls stopped chattering.

"This is Alyssa Carter-" he began. I cut him off.

"Alyssa Carter, rogue. Kind of,"I said. Instantly I could see them tense up, jaws clench, fists tighten, and lips bit.

"She's not what you think. Just listen to her story," Ethan said.

I pursed my lips and sat down. Ethan bent down and whispered, "It's okay. Just tell them the same way you did me." I nodded.

So once again I launched into the tragic tale that is my life, all the way up to talking to Ethan in the cafe. By then, two girls had hugged me and three guys had yelled something about how horrible my old pack had been.

"Of course you're welcome in the pack!" I heard the blonde guy say. The others nodded in agreement.

"I... I don't know..."I said. "I don't want to inconvenience you guys, and I can make it as a rogue, probably."

"Nope," Ethan said, popping the p. "You're sticking around for quite a while."

"As long as you're sure that I'm not a bother,"I said, biting my lip.

"Then it's settled!" Ethan said happily.

"I, Ethan Aarons, accept you, Alyssa Carter, into the Black Moon pack as a complete member."

I could already feel the mind link building, and as they surrounded me for a group hug, I felt at home for the first time.


Hey! So this is really short and lame but necessary .... don't be mad at me!!!!! I PROMISE you'll get a nice long chapter tomorrow!


And i feel horrible about this chapter but don't hate me!!!!!! I luv yewwwwww :D

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