Author's Note... once again. Sorry!

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Hey guys! No, this is not an updated chapter, sorry. I still need five comments on the last chapter. 

Just wanted to let ya'll know that I published "Queen of Everything". It's already #762 on Humor even though it's about a page long and I posted it yesterday :D Please go check it out and comment and vote, it would mean the world to me!

Click on the external link to check it out! 


: So me and my best friends, Natalia and Hunter, had this AMAZING idea and I wanted to get you guys'  input.

A mock hunger games! Yeah, I'm a hunger games fan. 

So basically, there would be 24 "tributes". In our version, there would be two winners, one boy and one girl. The arena would be this huge park by our town. And there would be a Cornucopia filled with food and blankets and weapons (real and fake). We'd be thrown into the park for 48 hours. You and your district partner would try to survive the longest, of course. And instead of killing each other, everyone has a set of flags- red ribbons- two of them. Pull both of an enemie's flags and they die. Pull only one and they're serisouly injured. If you have an amazing friend, they can give you one of their ribbons to keep you alive if you've had both your flags pulled, but that has to happen withing two minutes of the flags being pulled. 

There would be a fee for playing-like $12. The winners would each get $120! (Me and Natalia and Hunter would get to keep $60 as profit. This fee might go up or down, idk.) 

What do you guys think? Suggustions? 



p.s. listen to the song on the side, it totally describes me and ma besties :D 

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