Chapter Ten- Jason's POV

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OMG I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON! I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER AND I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys deserve better :( I've been crazy busy!!!! And so this has fallen off the teen fiction charts too :'( PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!!! And since I haven't updated..... I present to you a special chapter in Jason's POV! Picture on the side of a cute quote that kinda relates to the story but nit really..... oh well :)I like it


Jason's POV

I leaned against the cold stone wall of the main house. Brenda couldn't find me here. God, that chick was annoying. She was too dumb to figure out that I didn't want to mess around with her anymore- I wanted Alyssa back.

I knew I didn't deserve her. I'd rejected her for the most arrogant, prideful reasons. To me, she hadn't been gorgeous or popular enough to be my mate, and I thought that I deserved better. I thought I deserved someone like Amanda Fields, a popular cheerleader that modeled during her free time. I was hoping that nature had made a mistake or something, and that in a few days Amanda would be mine instead of the geeky, squeaky, pathetic, loser of a mate that was Alyssa Brynn Carter. Even her own brother hated her. The whole school couldn't stand her.

At first, when she left, I was angry that I'd been paired with such a loser. Was this a cruel joke? I was the alpha of Blue Star, after all! I ruled a pack of over three hundred wolves. We were strong, corageous, large, and a proud pack. I had it made. And then she ruined it.

After she'd been gone for three weeks, I realized I'd made the hugest mistake of my life. I felt this emptiness deep inside me, clawing at my insides. My wolf howled in misery at the loss of it's other half. I became moody for a few days, then I had to pull myself together. The pack needed me. But I looked for her. I secretly hired trackers, private investigators to find her. They all came back with nothing, though. She had disappeared without a trace. Her scent had completley vanished. There was no one registered under her name in the surrounding states. When I found her, I figured out that she had registered under her friend Kris' last name- Williams- so we couldn't trace her. She had joined a new pack, changing her scent. And she'd undergone that shocking transformation into a kick ass warrior.

Alyssa had moved on. On the outside, it appeared that I had too- I slept around with half the school. But on the inside, it was just to distract me from the fact that Alyssa was gone. She hadn't walked away. I had let her go. And she had left.

I missed her like crazy.

I could still feel her. The pain she went through, her soul literally ripping. But that was before I realized I'd made a mistake. I could feel when she interactacted with other male werewolves, and even though she never did anything besides hand holding, the jealousy raged through me. She was probably Ethan, even though they both denied it. I was angry with him too.

He had been there for Alyssa. He had lifted her up, helped her, brought her into the pack. They'd formed a sort of bond. They were best friends that acted like a couple. I hated it. If only she knew how much I'd tried, even though I slept around. I knew she could feel it, and at first I thought that I could trace her with that. But the severing was going faster than I'd expected, and I couldn't contact her through a mind link or a physical connection, no matter how hard I tried.

But ever since this morning, I'd felt the connection strengthen. I didn't know why- I hadn't done anything to make her forgive me, even if I wished I had. This morning, I'd gone to her room to try to talk to her, only to see that she'd packed her bags and she'd gone on "an important trip" with Ethan. I scowled. They weren't just friends, no matter how much they insisted other wise. Seriously, what kind of friends wrap their arms around each other, take long walks together, go on weekend trips with each other, and ride to school together? I growled thinking about it. He was all over my mate, and he had no right to her like that.

Anyway, after she left, the older pack members realized why she had left. I admit, Jake had been a little frequent with his physical abuse. She had cuts and bruises all over her face and body when she left. I can't lie and say that I didn't lay a finger on her. The older pack members were angry that we had been so cruel to the daughter of the former beta, and my own mate. They uprooted themselves and their families, and moved to a new territory, where they began their own pack. That alone had drained us of about half our pack. Then, after an attack, we had only a fourth. The remaining pack members no longer wanted to risk their safety, so they joined the newly formed pack. We were left with only about fifty total members. The Queen was worried, so she flew us to Black Moon to train under them and join forces, as they were an incredibly large and strong pack. They were known far and wide for their infamously strong and powerful warriors that had beaten many rogues. I should've guessed.

And now I had to come up with a plan to get her back. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, racking my brains. Nothing came to mind.

And then it hit me.


I KNOW! this is short :( But I'm watching the super bowl, so I have to get off. Patriots! :)


Vote if:

1. You like this side of Jason

2. You still think she needs Ethan

3. You are rooting for the Pats tonight :) and even if you're not.



Aria <3

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