Chapter Four

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 A/N: Hey guys! I've got a few things to say, so here goes- YU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I can't believe my little story already started ranking :) I love every single one of my readers for giving my story at least five minutes of their lives :) Thank you so much for commenting and reading and adding and voting! It means the world to me! :) Thanks for being patient with my oddly timed uploads too, and my extra short chapter yesterday >.< Finally: For the next chapter, I'm gonna need 2 Fans, 13 Comments, and 15 votes on this chapter :) Can ya do it?! I don't know.... ;) I know you want to get to reading now, so I'll shut up. ;)

Love Forever -Aria <3 


Two Years Later 

"I HATE YOU, ETHAN!" I yelled up the stairs as I took them two at a time. 

"NUH-UH, YOU KNOW YOU LOOOOVE ME!" he yelled back. 

"NOT UNTIL YOU GIVE ME MY KEYS BACK!" I hollered. I raced through the long hallways, searching for one dark haired boy that currently held my keys.  I finally found him in the guest bedroom on the third floor, lounging on the king sized bed. 

"Nice of you to drop by," Ethan said with a teasing glint in his eye. "What do you need?" 

"My keys," I said, breathing heavily. "My keys. Give me my keys, now!" I demanded.

"Ooh, someone's in a bad mood, are we?" he asked. "If you want your keys... you have to do something for me," he said, raising his eyebrows. 

"But they're mine!" I exclaimed. 

"Do you want them back or not?" he asked again. 

"Yes." I said. 

"Okay then. I'll give them back to you if you come with me to the meeting with the Queen next Saturday," he said, tossing the keys back and forth in his hands. 

"Ohmygod, no freaking way! Of course I'll go!" I said, my anger vanishing on the spot. A meeting with the Queen was a once in a lifetime chance, and rarely anyone ever met with her face to face. 

"Okay, you promise?" 

"Yes yes yes I promise!" I yelled, tackling him in a hug. His head thumped to the floor. 

"Ow," he muttered. 

"Oops, sorry. Thanks so much Ethan! See you later!" I said, snatching my keys out of his hand and skipping out of the room. 

"No problem. See you at school! Don't forget, we have a pack meeting tonight!" he called after my retreating figure. 

I jogged down the stairs and to the driveway, then punched a code into the garage door key pad. It opened to reveal my pride and joy, my brand new motorcycle, the Aprilia Tuono V4R. It cost a pretty penny, but it was so worth it. I smiled just looking at it. I grabbed my helmet from the handlebars and pulled my black leather jacket on. I swung my legs over the leather seat and revved the engine, then took off. 

I raced through traffic on the way to school, passing jammed BMW's and Lexus'. I'd bought my bike just a month ago, but up until then I'd rode with Ethan or Kris, my best girlfriend, to school. Since today was the first day, I'd texted Kris to meet me at school, and Ethan would be riding alone, because he had to make an 'important phone call, official pack business' phone call this morning. 

Ethan was definatley my best friend. After I'd joined the pack just two years ago, he'd taught me how to trust my pack again. He listened to me until my bruises and scars faded. He trained me until I could fight him myself.  When I was finally ready to go back to school, he made sure I was okay, but by then, I could handle myself. 

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