Chapter Nineteen

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Hey guys! Well, this is the second to last chapter of this book :( This chapter is insanely unexpected and short, but I can't make it much longer, plus the next chapter will be pretty nice sized. I think some of you guys might hunt me down and kill me. Seriously. 

I know, it's incredibly short. But I'm not good at action. Sorry!!!! Forgive me..... If you wanna know what happens next..... you must MUST fill the quota! And you're gonna go insane if you dont know, so.... 


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or else.... I'll keep you in suspense! Forever! muhahahahaha. I'm putting the authors note at the beginning so it's more epic once you see the ending. 

Love forever



I surveyed the room carefully. The generator sat in the middle of the room, silently creating energy. The walls were made of completley flat paneled metal. A sliding door, firmly sealed, was on one side of the wall. There was no one in the room, but after examining the walls, I saw sensors, protected by forcefields.

I turned back to the waiting squad. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do. Even though there's sensors, we're gonna have to go on. They're protected by forcefields, so there's nothing we can do about it, okay? Just stick the bombs on the generator like we planned. Then go out this hall, but don't go back in the vents. We're gonna find the tunnel to the shafts, then make it to the portal by the caves, got it?" I said softly. Everyone nodded silently and moved to place the bombs onto the generator. It looked like an overgrown hourglass, but instead of connecting at the middle, there was a ball of orange power, radiating pale orange light. As I circled the generator, I stuck bombs on every two feet. Twenty minutes later, we were done. 

We'd done it. Now we just had to get out. I smiled confidently at the squad, then motioned for them to follow me down the hallway. We wove our way down to the shafts. I could just see the exit ahead and grinned. Everyone looked relieved and sped up. 

And then we saw them. And they saw us. 


They grinned menacingly, raised their weapons, and fired. Immeadiatly I counted over thirty of them, which compleltey outnumbered our squad of six. We formed a circle, back to back, as they surrounded us from all sides. There was no way we could take all of these. 

I fired shot after shot from my bow, hitting its targert every time, but each time one soldier dropped to the ground, another came up in its place. I turned my head quickly to talk to Ethan. 

"We've got to get out of here!" I yelled. 

"Thanks, Captain Obvious! Have any ideas?" he yelled back. I rolled my eyes. 

"No! We've just got to-" I fired a shot-"keep gunning them down!" 

And so we did. None of their shots hit us, but that was just luck. They were bound to hit us some time. But after a while, they stopped coming. There were only ten of them left. 

Chase shot one. Ethan fired an arrow. Kris threw a knife. 


Another knife from Kris hit a rebel in the leg, and he collapsed on the ground, still clutching his bow and arrow. He wasn't dead, for sure, but he wasn't going anywhere soon. We managed to gun down all but three of the rebels, who were ducking behind a panel that had falled on its side. 

"Go!" Jason yelled to the rest of the squad. "I can hold them!" 

"No!" I called. "I'm staying here. You guys go on!" I told Ethan. A look of hesitation flashed through his eyes. A flash of the Ethan I knew. 

"Ethan. Trust me. Please," I begged him. 

"Promise you'll come back," he said, squeezing my hand.

"Promise," I whispered, squeezing back. 

"Okay," he nodded, releasing my hands. "I'm trusting you. We'll meet you at the portal," he said. He waved to the rest of the squad and ran down the shaft, out to the fields. I stood for a moment, watching them retreat. 

A moment to long. 

I turned back to face the rebels, throwing a bomb that would immobilize them. A moment too late. 

An arrow was shooting right for me. A tracker arrow, one that won't stop until it hits a human target. 

"Alyssa!" Jason yelled. 

He jumped in front of me. 

Just as the arrow piereced his body, I screamed. 


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