Chapter Nine

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Giving ya'll an update even though the quota wasn't filled, because I might not get to update Thursday or Friday or even Saturday :( and possibly not Sunday because of the super bowl. But I will try! Plus because you guys are amazing readers and I love ya'll soooooooo much. So get reading and I'll chat more later! And yeah, I know it's short. Sorry :(


“Ally?! Ally?! Can you hear me?” 

“Shh. She’s coming to, Ethan.” 

I drowsily opened my eyes to see a relieved Ethan and a pleased Queen bending over me. 

“What happened?” I muttered, rubbing my eyes. Ethan eyed me nervously, as if debating whether or not to tell me. “Spit it out already, Ethan. You can tell me anything,” I mumbled.  The Queen smiled at this. 

“Well, um, so what do you remember?” he asked, cracking his knuckles like he did when he was worried or nervous. 

“Prophecy, about me.  Necklace. Powers. I get a second chance mate. Where’s yours?” I asked. “The Queen said that your mate was here. Where is she? I gotta make sure she’s alright for you. Only the best for you, Ethan,” I said, sitting up and propping myself up against the couch. 

“I think you’ll like her very much,” the Queen smiled. 

“Okay. But where is she?” I asked again, looking around in confusion. The Queen gave an amused laugh. “That’s something very important we need to tell you,” she said carefully, like speaking to a small child. 

“Okay,” I said equally slowly. 

“You, as the prophesized warrior of the packs, were granted a second chance mate. I, as the Queen, have the power to bequeath you a new mate.  I chose someone you already know, someone close to you,” she explained, giving me a hint. 

“Okay. Who is it?” I asked, drumming my fingers in anticipation. 

“Before I tell you, I have to explain another part of the prophecy. 

Second chance soul, between two to choose,

One heart to keep, one to loose, 

Each holds something to give, 

One wants heart, one forgive, 

After a battle of hearts fought, forced to make a choice, 

In a time of silence, given a voice,” the Queen recited again. “This means that both of the mates- the rejected one and the new one- must essentially fight for your heart. You will have a choice between the two. Each one has something they can give for the war. One of them wants forgiveness; the other wants your heart. You will be forced to make a choice between the two,” she said. 

“So I’ll have to choose between Jason and…?” I asked, waiting for her to fill in the blank. 

“You will have to choose between Jason Grey, alpha of Blue Star, and….” she paused. 

“And?” I prompted. 

“And Ethan Aarons, Alpha of Black Moon,” she finished. I looked at her incredulously. 

“Ethan Aarons? As in, my Ethan?” I asked, shocked. 

“Yes,” the Queen answered, giving me a brief nod. 

“But what about Ethan’s mate?” I asked. 

“Alyssa dear, you are Ethan’s mate,” the Queen said. 

Me and Ethan’s eyes widened in shock. We turned to each other in shock, staring at each other for a moment. His eyes bored into mine, taking in every inch of my face. His scent was stronger, rolling off of him. After a moment, he slowly reached out his hand and brushed a stray strand of hair off of my face. Electricity crackled when he touched me, and he drew his finger away in surprise. 

“Alyssa?” Ethan almost whispered. 

“Yes,” I breathed. We simultaneously tackled each other in a hug, his warmth spreading through me and energizing me instantly.  

“Mine,” Ethan whispered, scarcely audible as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. I buried my head in his shoulder, breathing in his intoxicating scent. 

The Queen cleared her throat and we jumped apart, our cheeks flushed. Ethan’s eyes remained on me, but I looked directly at the Queen. 

“Alyssa. You have six months to choose who you shall give your heart to. I know that you will instinctively choose Ethan, but you must remember that both boys have something to offer you. During the next few months, you will also hone your new powers, train, and work harder than ever before. The fate of the packs rests in your hands, Alyssa. You cannot fail,” she said firmly.  

“Yes, my lady. I will focus my time and energy into this. I will train,” I confirmed. 

“Good. Although at first you may train with your pack, I will need you to come and visit me routinely. Perhaps twice a month. That way we may discuss matters and you may train with my army here. You will gain indescribable powers, Alyssa. Use them well,” she advised. 

“Of course. Thank you, my lady,” I said, bowing. 

“No, Alyssa Brynn. Thank you,” she said, smiling. “Now, you and Ethan remain here while I attend to a matter. I shall return within the hour. I expect that you will have plenty to discuss,” she said, straightening herself and walking in between Ethan and I. She strode over to the automatic frosted glass and it opened. She walked out without a backwards glance, and the doors sealed themselves once more. 

Ethan turned to me. “So,” he said. 

But I had something I wanted to ask him first. “What was the Queen saying to you?” I asked. 

******************************************************************************************************************** :D cliffhanger! don't hate me. So what do ya'll think?!  Okay, and random unrelate question: who reads the hunger games and is going to see the movie?! So, the quota....  15 votes  15 comments  2 fans Yep, I lowered it. It's mostly to get higher rankings since I might not get to update, but whatevs. Ya'll can do it :) This is #259 on werewolf. Can we go higher?! And what about teen fiction!? We need to get in the top 100! :D  Love FOREVER, Aria <3

Check out the quote on the side. It's kinda for both Alyssa and Ethan, cause now they see each other all different. <3 What team are you!? Ethan or Jason?!

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