Chapter Eight

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Wow, you guys are fast! Ya'll are ah-mayyy-zing as usual :) Thanks for bringing in all those comments+votes. It took less than 24 hours! So..... I'm gonna be a little slower on updates this week, because I'm gonna try to update ALL my stories. Yep, all of them. That's gonna take me 4ever, so I'm sorry if I'm slow~ but if you wanna read my other stuff, go ahead :) Plus, I'm super busy- I have school, dance, homework, and of course I gotta chill with my girls! ;) Okay, here goes this VERY IMPORTANT chapter! Quota at the end! <3 Aria


The modern white frosted glass doors opened automatically in front of me and Ethan. We'd arrived at the palace about an hour ago, and after a bunch of security and a little bit of waiting, the Queen was ready to see us. 

The doors opened to reveal a tall, regal looking woman who looked like she was in her mid-50's. She had dark brown hair flecked with grey and green eyes that set their sights firmly on us. The Queen herself, Evangeline of the Highlands. She was originally a faery-seer mix- a half-blood. But once she became queen, she gained all the powers of all the supernatruals. 

"Welcome, Ethan. And who is this beautiful young lady?" the Queen asked, motioning for us to come in. 

"This is my best pack warrior and best friend, Alyssa Brynn Carter," he said, smiling. I gave a little bow. 

"Pleased to meet you," I said smiling.

"The pleasure is mine," the Queen said graciously. "I sense a troubled past and a complicated future about you. You are very close with Ethan, and would do anything for him. I sense... oh my," she said, looking troubled. 

"What?" I asked nervously, loosing my composure for a moment. 

"Come here," she said, walking over to her desk in the middle of the room. The office itself was large, lined with bookcases, and those were broken up with large windows, letting in plenty of natrual light. 

She opened a desk drawer and brought out an intricatley carved metal box. It had strange inscriptions on the lid, like in an ancient language. She passed her hand over the lock and it clicked open. 

The Queen reached inside and pulled out an equally intricate silver necklace, with a locket. She held it like it was worth a million dollars, and for all I knew, it could be. 

"I've waited a very long time for this," she said softly. 

"Umm..." I said, completley confused. 

"Come," she said, nodding at me. I looked at Ethan in confusion, but he didn't seem to know what was going on either. I walked slowly to her. She reached her hands around my neck and gently clapsed the necklace around me.

I felt energized. Like I could do anything. I looked down at the locket and saw that it was sealed, and tried to finger it open. 

"No!" the Queen exclaimed. "It is not time," she said. My eyes widened. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll take it o-" I said hurridly. 

"No. It's yours," the Queen smiled. "I have waited so long for this day," she said happily. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You are the propesized leader of the packs, the princess of the night," the Queen explained. 

"Leader of the packs? Princess?" I asked. I was beyond confused. 

"Allow me to explain. Please, be seated," the Queen motioned to the plush sofas in the corner. I took a seat next to an equally confused Ethan, and for the first time, he grabbed my hand in fear. I clutched it tightly. 

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