Chapter Sixteen

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Okay, I feel bad saying this, but it has to be adressed.... so, i know a bunch of people (at least 100) are reading my story. And i know alot of you guys are silent readers, but I really need you guys to comment and vote..... 

So please press the little button down at the bottom! 


Ethan and I strode into the base, leading the rest of the pack briskly behind us. The tension was clear though; it was obvious that we'd been fighting. And we had, over every single thing. Even Jason had noticed that we were bickering over the smallest stuff. 

"Go ahead and open the security door," Ethan commanded me. 

"Are you sure you don't want to do it?" I asked sarcastically. 

"Just open the damn door, Alyssa," Ethan snapped. 

"You've got arms, use them," I snapped back. "I'm not your slave." 

He huffed and sneered, pressing keys and then letting the door slide open. We were let into a sleek, white modern room, much like our own command center. Soldiers rushed to and fro to different panels and holos. In the middle of the room stood the Queen. She nooded at our group as we entered. 

"Alyssa. Ethan. Black Moon. Blue Star. Thank you for coming quickly. As you can see, the army of the rebels greatly outnumbers our own. We need to meet them at the battlegrounds in less than an hour, a nearly impossible feat," she said calmly, despite the pressing matter. "We need you and your pack to gear up and prepare for the coming battle. Uniforms and packs are in the room down the right hallway. When you return, we will be dividing you into squads. Hurry," she finished, motioning down the hallway. 

"Yes, of course," Ethan answered, waving his hand for the rest of the pack to follow him. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, following reluctantly. Twenty minutes later, the whole pack was dressed simply; the girls with solid forest green v-neck tshirts, black tight fitting pants, and solid black combat boots; the boys dressed similarly.

As everyone headed back to command, I hung back and dug through the armory, hoping to get a bow. I threw aside the common ones, until I found a deep purple case. I quietly opened it and saw a magnificent blackwood bow with matching arrows. I drew it out carefully, holding it like it was made of glass. It was light, yet sturdy. As I reached to put it across my back, I heard something behind me. 

"That's quite a bow you have there," the Queen smiled serenly. 

"Oh, I'm sorr-" I babled, quickly trying to put it back, but the Queen shook her head. 

"Keep it. It suits you. Almost as well as that sword of yours," she smiled, but a hint of fear glimmered in her eyes. 

"Thank you," I nodded, bowing slightly. She nodded in return, and turned on her heel, walking out of the room. I grabbed my favorite black leather jacket and pulled it on quickly, feeling prepared for the battle to come. I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders, striding down the hall back to command. 

Ethan shot me a look as I strode in late. 

"You're late," he said irratabley, crossing his arms.

"I know," I sneered. 

"Well, you can't just expect-" he started, but I cut him off. 

"Just shut up, Ethan! God, what's your problem!?" I snapped, sneering again. 

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, Alyssa Brynn!  I am your alpha, an-" he started to yell. 

"Like I give a damn, Ethan! I don't care what you say! Eff off," I yelled over him. My voice echoed off the modern white walls, and I turned my head sharply. The whole pack was watching me and Ethan's blow out silently their eyes darting back and forth in between us. Ethan didn't notice though, and kept going. 

"You know what, go ahead and take a front lines mission! You'll see I'm right for once, ha!" he jabbed a finger at me.  Jason stepped from the crowd and stood in front of me. His whole body was shaking with anger. 

"Ethan, I'm warning you. You do not talk to her like that," he said quietly, his voice quivering with anger. 

"None of your business, Grey!" Ethan sneered. 

"It is my business. I won't let you hurt her, ever. You understand?" he said, his lips drawing in a thin line. 

"No, I don't. This is private!" Ethan yelled. 

"Obvisoly not, Aarons," Jason replied cooly, spreading his arm out in front of me like a barrier. 

Ethan seemed to calm down all of a sudden, and then stalked away, an angry glint still in his eyes. 

"Alyssa, I need to talk to you," Jason said, turning around quickly. He put his hand on my arm and led me away, down a hall I hadn't seen, to a balcony that looked over the cliffsides. He let go, and I slouched down the steel walls and sat down. He joined me quickly. 

"I just wanted to tell you, that you deserve someone that would die for you. That's what you need. Someone that would take a bullet for you, or an arrow, or a knife. That's how you know if they love you or not. If they're worth your love," he says quietly. 

I think over this in my head silently, waiting for him to continue. 

"Would Ethan do it? Would he take a bullet for you? Would he die for you?" he asked, even softer. 

"I don't know," I said in an almost whisper, looking out at the grey skies. 

"I don't know." 


I know this is short, but you guys still havent filled the quota for the last chapter! 



20 votes 

and then a nice long chapter :) I'm so psyched for the ending of this book, and the beginning of the next one! And if you entered the contest, I forgot to mention that the deadline is March 14th. Roughly. 

Anyway, comment! Vote! 

Love forever, 


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