Chapter Twelve and Three Quarter

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"Morning, beautiful," I heard Ethan say. I opened my eyes sleepily to see him sitting on the edge of my bed in his pajamas, holding a single fluffy dandelion. I sat up and hugged my legs to my chest, smiling. Ethan knew how much I loved them. He smiled at me and held it out to me carefully, and I reached out and grabbed it. 

"Make a wish," he whispered. I smiled, biting my lower lip, and shook my head. 

"Nope, you make one too," I said. He grinned. 

"Okay," he said, sthanding up. He reached out his hand for mine, and I stood up and walked to the window with him. He opened it quietly, then asked, "Ready?"

I nodded and sucked in my breath, ready to make a wish. "1, 2, 3!" I exclaimed happily. Ethan and I blew together and watched the "petals" float away on the wind, out the window, and into the open morning sky. 

"What did you wish for?" I asked him breathlessly. 

"It already came true," he whispered. "But for what it's worth.... you," he smiled. 

I looked up at him and smiled back. "I wished for you too," I said, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around him. We just stood there for a minute, looking out at the morning sky from my window, arms wrapped around each other. It was the kind of thing that I thought happened only in movies. 

After a minute, he leaned down and whispered, "I'm gonna go make us some breakfast, okay?" 

I smiled and nodded. He gently let go of me and left my room soundlessly. As soon as he left the room, I walked over to my closet and slipped into a loose-fitting big t-shirt that I realized was Ethan's from the first summer I came here. I smiled as I slipped it on, then grabbed a pair of denim shorts and brown flipflops. I tousled my hair into beachy waves, brushed on some lip gloss and mascara, and jogged downstairs to the kitchen. 

Ethan stood at the granite countertopped island, just topping a stack of pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries. My favorite. I grinned. This guy was perfect. 

He turned around and smiled at me. "Hey, Ally-cat. Breakfast's ready," he said, holding up a full plate of pancakes. I licked my lips hungrily and grinned.

"You're the best, Ethan," I said, reaching out to grab the plate. He yanked it back and held it to his chest. 

"Nope, go get the toppings first," he said playfully. I pouted at him and shuffled over to the fridge, yanking it open. I grabbed some blueberries and another can of whipped cream, and then popped open the box of bluberries. I scooped out a handful and flung them at Ethan's back, giggling. 

He pivoted around slowly with an open mouth. "Oh no way are you getting away with that, Ally cat!" he said, putting down the pancakes. He grabbed a can of whipped cream and shot it at me, hitting me right in the chest. 

"Ethan!" I yelled, opening my can and spraying him back. My spray hit him right on top of his head, smearing in his dark hair. He threw strawberries at me, which stuck on my tshirt. Correction: his tshirt. 

Soon, food was flying through the air. My hair was tangled in whipped cream, I had strawberries stuck all over me, and Ethan had whipped cream everywhere. 

"ETHAN!" I screamed as he flung a pancake at me. He laughed, but then I sloshed milk at him. 

"AWW!" he groaned. I giggled. "That's wha-" I was cut off by the sound of the back door slamming, and one pretty pissed looking Jason coming in. Ethan and I froze. 

Jason took in the scene in a split second and then glared at me angrily. "God, Alyssa. You woke me up. You know, some people are trying to sleep, instead of throwing themselves at guys that aren't even their mate!" he sneered at me. 

I opened my mouth to snap back, but Ethan beat me to it. "Shut the hell up, Grey. You're just jealous. And don't you dare talk to her that way," he growled, spreading a hand in front of me protectively. 

Jason glared at him. "I'll talk to her however I want to. Now clean this mess up and get ready, training is in an hour and a half," he spat, then stalked out of the kitchen. 

Ethan turned to me and gave me an "I'm sorry" smile. I shrugged and then smiled, seeing the dot of whipped cream on the very tip of his nose. I leaned forward and swiped my finger across his nose, wiping the whipped cream off of it. I grinned cheekily and stuck it in my mouth, and then swivled on my toe and tried to walk away. Ethan jumped forward and closed me in his arms, hugging me from behind. I tilted my head up and smiled at him, hoping he knew exaclty how much I loved him. He leaned down and kissed me on the very tip of my nose. 

And there I stood, for  just a moment, in a kitchen ruined by a food fight, a boy covered in whipped cream and a strawberry covered girl- the perfect place for me. 


I KNOW! Incredibly short, but I have a truckload of homework. Seriosuly. 

So that's why this is just chapter 12 and 3/4! Tomorrow I'll upload chapter 13! PROMISE!!!! 

I'm soooooooooooooooooo sorry! But it's better than nothing, right? 

I feel crummy. 

Comment? Vote? 


Love Forever, 


PS I'm even staying up late to type your extra long chapter.... so dont be mad!!! :) 

Song on the side is from Alyssa to Jason! I heart it! 

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