Author's Note... again.

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Heyy guys! Whaddup? So, I still needed three more comments on the last chapter, so I will update when those come through, but I need your opinion, again. Okay, confession time: I have wayyy too many story ideas. Ugh. I want to write every single one of them, but I can't because then I'd have like fifty stories and I could never update them all! Sigh. But I updated two out of four of my stories today! I'm so proud of myself :) So, the song on the side has inspired me to write a story about it..... what do ya'll think? Basically, they were kids in love XD or young teens, then like the guy cheats on the girl with an extremely popular one and bullies her because she's rival to the popular girl, and she leaves town after a while, then she becomes a super star- model, actress, singer, etc, and he wants her back to say he's sorry. kinda like this story, i just realized.... XD oh well. What do you think? PLEASE give me feedback!!! :) and yes, that would mean that updates would be a little less frequent on this story. I think that if I do, it would just be two times a week, maybe three. 

thanks sooo much! but now I can't update until THURSDAY because Wednesdays are my off days since i'm busy..... tear! oh well :( 

Love forever,


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