Chapter Fifteen

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I slung my bag over my shoulder as I trudged up the driveway to the house. Ethan said the Queen had an urgent message to relay to us in twenty minutes, and I wouldn't be late. I brushed my hair back and swung the door open, to reveal Ethan waiting impatiently. 

"Hurry Ally, she said it was urgent!" he exclaimed, taking my bag from me and promptly throwing it on the ground. 

"Okay, okay!" I said, running up the stairs as fast as I could. 

"Uh, Ally-" I heard Ethan say. I turned around and raised my eyebrows. "What?" 

"I think you've gotten your speed boosts in," he said, eyeing my carefully. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. 

"Well, you just raced up those stairs in about the blink of an eye and in a blur, so...." he said, as if it happened every day. 

"Really?" I smiled, looking down at myself. "Awesome, maybe-" Ethan cut me off. 

"Meeting with the Queen now, discuss powers later?" he reminded me, cocking his head. 

"Oh yeah, sorry!" I said, sprinting away. It felt like ten seconds later I was back downstairs with my hair and makeup retouched, and heading to the command center. 

"That was fast," Ethan said as I reappeared by his side. I grinned.

"That's just how I roll," I smirked.

Ethan pulled the heavy doors open for me, and we strode through the high tech center, complete with giant maps, monitors, and holo communicators. I'm proud to say that the supernatrual community is about two times as advanced as the mortal world- not only did we have holos, but they projected in full color and without static. In the middle of the room was the largest one we had, usually just for huge meetings, but today we would use it to talk to the Queen. 

The red recieve button was flashing with a waiting transmission. I quickly pressed it and looked up to see the Queen's regal profile projected above me. 

"Hello, Ethan. Alyssa. Thank you for responding so quickly. I believe we have a rather urgent matter pressing on us," she said, pressing her lips together. Ethan and I waited in silence, the tension building. 

"The rogues' leader, a wolf known as Kyran, has contacted me. He and his army, which not only includes wolves, but pixies, vampires, giants, dwarves, and trolls as well, along with other dark spirits, have officially declared war upon the Realm," she said grimly. 

My eyes widened in shock. The last time an official war had been declared was centuries ago. Our armies were rusty, and small. It would take us months to get back to our potential. 

"There armies are already approaching, and will be reaching Area 39 soon. The mortals can't see them- they've used shadowing, thanfully. As will we, when we face them in battle, so the damage remains in the Supernatrual realms. But they are quickly approaching. They demand that we meet them in battle by tomorrow at high noon. Our imperal forces remain small, and we are calling together our strongest packs to defend the realm. As Black Moon remains one of the top packs in the country, we are asking for your aid and assistance, and for the prescense of Alyssa at the battle tomorrow," she said. 

"Of course we'll be there, my lady. But wouldn't Alyssa's safety-" Ethan said, but I cut him off. 

"I'll be there as well, my lady. We will assemble our pack and transport to the nearest base to the area they are approaching via shadow travel," I said over him, shooting Ethan a pointed glare. He narrowed his eyes at me, but I flashed a winning smile back at the Queen and ignored him. 

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