Chapter 7

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Hey guys! So lengthy author's note... I know you hate them.... XD 

One:  I'm not really lovin the cover. Sure, it's cool, but it's just not right. Anyone wanna make me a cover? Two:  Yeah, I know Alyssa was a bitch in the last chapter, but seriously, they deserved five minutes of humiliation and torture. They gave her a lifetime of it. Plus, we all have our bitchy days, right? Three: Check out my story Remembering Shayley :) It's not like this book... at all.... but it's a teen fiction. I'm not really sure what else to classify it as. It's kind of sad and serious but please check it out :)  Four: I can't think of any cast members for this story!!! Help me out? Suggustions welcome! Five: YUUU GUYSSS RAWWWWWK!!!!!!!!! Now I'm gonna shuddup and let you read. TTYL! 


Stating the obvious, but to say the least: Dinner was awkward.

 I showed up on time with Ethan to help set up, since I was assigned. Kris was sitting casually on a stool, munching happily on an apple and updating her Facebook. 

"Hey," she said nonchalantly. 

"Hey," Ethan and I said in synch. "Where's Blue Star?" I asked. 

"Getting settled in the guest house. There's only like fifty of them. Tiny, huh?" Kris replied. 

"Yeah. Back when I was there, there was over two hundred," I said. 

"Geez. What are you guys doing this weekend?" Kris asked. 

"Going to see the queen!" Ethan replied happily. 

Kris' jaw dropped open. "No. freaking. way." 

"Yes freaking way!" I said, grinning at her shocked reaction. 

"That's incredible! Man, now my plans seem lame," Kris whined playfully. 

"Which were?" I prompted. 

"Pranking various members of Blue Star," she giggled. 

"As much as I'd love to, I'm busy. Next weekend?" I suggusted. 

"Defin-" Kris was cut off my the sound of the back door opening. We all turned our heads and saw a very angry looking Jason.

"ALYSSA, HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME THAT WAY?!" he bellowed, slamming the door and stalking over to me. 

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TREAT THE ALPHA AND YOUR MATE THAT WAY!" he roared, putting himself about three inches from my face. 

"LAY OFF HER!" Ethan yelled, stepping in front of me and pushing Jason. 

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Jason yelled. 

"SHUT UP, EVERYONE!" Kris screamed as high as she could. Everyone became silent.

"Thank you," I said to her. Then I turned angrily to Jason. "I have every right to treat you that way. You didn't seem to have a problem with it a few years back, did you?  You're not my alpha either. Ethan is. I left your hellhole of a pack two years ago. And in my book, you're no mate of mine. Just two more months and the tie will be completley severed," I sneered. 

Jason looked at loss for words. Ethan looked at him with angry eyes. "And you can't treat her that way," Ethan said, stuggling to keep his temper under control. "You can't mess around with sluts like Brenda, treat her the way you do, and expect her to stand by. She doesn't need you here. We don't need you. You need us, and if you want our help, you better start acting like it," he said in his Alpha tone. 

"It's none of your business what I do with Brenda, and how I treat Alyssa," Jason said hotly. 

"As long as you're on my territory it is. Leave Alyssa alone," Ethan replied menancingly. 

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