Authors Note. Again. Please read.....

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Hey guys! Special announcement, so listen up :) I've decided to make this book a series! Yes, there will be a sequel, titled "Don't Forget." I already made the cover- see the side pic. I'm so excited for it, and the ending to this story will really really suprise you. Seriously. And they'll probably be a third book, called "Don't Let Go."  I've already written the final chapter and epilogue for the series. I think it's perfect.... and I can't wait for you guys to read it. But it'll be a long while.... haha. 

Anyway, so I'm considering having a contest of some sort and the winner would get to read the final chapter and epiloge. What do you guys think? 

Still waitin on six more comments til the next chapter..... can't wait to get it out to yall. 

Ari :) 

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