Chapter 6

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I strode through the halls confidently, Ethan's arm still over my shoulder. The masses parted for us to walk through- not to brag, but my reputation isn't bubble gum and candy hearts. Let's just say that after an incident incolving six tacks, a pack of Wrigley's chewing gum, and a really rude and deserving junior, people knew not to mess with me and my friends. 

i looked back and noticed that Jake and Jason hadn't followed us. Good riddance. They had shaken me a little more than I let on- seeing Jake was horrible, but Jason was another story. He insulted me to my face, and he still looked like his old self- arrogant and a player. I was so much better off without him, right? I mean, I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with him. I already had to spend the bigger chunk of my life just being near him. 

"You okay?" Ethan asked, looking concerned. His blue eyes pierced into mine, genuinely worried. 

"Yeah, just... the nerve of them. I really hate them. I really do," I said. He nodded in understanding and pulled me closer to him.

"Remember what I promised you, Ally," he whispered. 

"I will," I whispered back.  I heard a small growl again. 


I swiveled around and shot him a deathly glare. "Alyssa, I just wanted to say-" he said with his signature smirk. 

"What, Jason?" I snapped. 

"I made a mistake two years ago. Why didn't you look like this before?" he asked, giving me a full look over. 

"Maybe because I was too busy waiting on you and your slutty girlfriends, Jason. Maybe because I was treated like crap every day of my life. Maybe because I was 'too ugly for anyone,' remember?" I said, my voice dripping with venom, quoting him. 

"Maybe we can start over?" he asked. 

I laughed in his face. "Yeah right. Like I said before, if you think I'd ever go back to you... you better not hold your breath. Oh wait, go ahead, because then you can die without a single shot being fired," I said, kicking him in the knee. Taken by suprise, he fell to the ground. I glared down at him menancingly and then said with all the hate I could muster, which was a whole lot, "Stay away from me." 

I turned back around and kept walking with Ethan, who was laughing. 

"You so beat his ass, Ally!" he exclaimed, fist bumping me. 

"Ally?" I heard Jason growl. "Don't call her that." 

I turned around again. "Don't you dare tell him what to do. He's been a better friend than you will ever be, got it?" I snapped, and not waiting for a reply, I marched away. 

Ethan sneered at him before leaning into me and saying,"Jackass," and snickering. I gave a little laugh and made my way to homeroom. 

All was well until fourth period, right before lunch, when I saw Jake saunter into the classroom like he owned the place. I avoided his gaze and turned around to face Kris. I told her a condensed version of the morning's events, and her bright smile quickly shaped into a deep scowl. 

"The bastards! I can't believe Jason even had the nerve!" she exclaimed. 

"Yeah, I know. Don't talk to them, ok? For me?" I begged. 

"Of course, babe. Why would I ever talk to them anyway?!" she said. 

Jake shot us a curious glance before I glared at him and he turned back around. Just the sight of him would ruin my day. 

The day dragged on, and I couldn't wait to get to lunch. I made my way to the caf and sat down at my usual table, filled already with my closest friends from the pack. I filled them in on the events of the morning and to avoid the new pack at all costs. They all promised to loyally stick by me and make the Blue Star members miserable. 

Just as I was about to dig into my sub, I saw a shadow fall over the table, which grew silent, as did the rest of the cafeteria to see what I would do. I turned around very slowly, and saw the tall, imposing figures of Jake, Jason, and Brenda, Jason's slut. The rest of the pack didn't seem to have the guts to even try, and had already retreated to eat outside, like the outcasts I would make them. 

"What do you want?" I said slowly, like speaking to a small child. 

"Can we sit here?" Jason asked, nervously smiling. 

"Of course!" I exclaimed, plastering my face with a false grin and cheer. 

"Really? Thanks, Alyssa, I promise-" Jason began, his typical smile returning. But I cut him off. 

"When hell freezes over," I said, wiping the false cheer off my face and replacing it with my most malicious smirk.  I smashed my fresh pudding in Jason's face with all the hate I could muster, which was a whole lot. Jake looked stunned, and Brenda gasped. Jason looked shocked and disgusted.

"Now go away and eat outside with the rest of the losers you call a pack," I sneered, dismissing them, but inwardly laughing at how ridiculous Jason looked covered in chocolate pudding. The cafeteria exploded in laughter and catcalls. They really were loyal to me, I thought, smiling to myself. My real pack. 

They stood there, still as statues. I glared at them. "Didn't I dismiss you already? Or are you so slow that you're just processing that?" I asked, disgustedly watching pudding drip to the ground.

"You-you BITCH!" Brenda yelled angrily, stomping her foot. 

"Tell me something I don't know. Now, go away. I can't eat when the stench of losers fill the air," I snickered. The three of them looked panicked. None of them had ever been treated this way. They quickly retreated outside, peals of laughter chasing them away. 

I smiled as the table congratulated me. I was cold. Cruel. And I knew exactly what I was doing to them. 

Exactly what they did to me two years ago. 

No one crossed a warrior from Black Moon and didn't pay. 

Not even my ex-mate. 


Okay, this was really short and I'm SOOOO sorry, but I had almost finished writing it when my computer crashed, which happens frequently when I use the chat function on here. Lesson learned. So then I had to retype, but I had already wasted a bunch of time, so I couldn't upload as fast as I wanted. 

Thanks for all your wonderful comments! I love reading them, and even if I don't reply, I read EVERY single one :) I love ya'll!!!!! Thanks soo much for reading my little story. 

So, please VOTE!!!! if you think that:

1-Jason is a bastard. And so is Jake. 

2- Ethan should so get together with Alyssa

3- I should upload again

4- The pudding thing was funny :)

I'm gonna need about... 13 votes, ten comments, and two fans again :) but if the quota has already been filled, please keep voting! my dream is to get in the top fifty for both of my categories! 

Also, do you think I should enter this in the Watty Awards 2012?! Lemme know in the comments!!!!!! 


Aria <3

ps. sooooooooooooo sorry for the short chapter!!!!

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