Chapter Twelve

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Hey guys! Whaddup? So, even though I needed three more comments on the last chapter, I decided to upload a chapter, because it's Saturday, I'm bored, and what else can I do? ;) Also, as you might have guessed from my username, my favorite # is 13. So the next chapter (Chapter 13) will be a nice, long upload! Over three pages, I hope. So get excited! I love ya'll sooooo much, hope you know it! Long author's note at the end, so just read now! And I'm not very good at action scenes.... so be honest if you think this chapter is lame :-/ This isn't my best work, but I'm not good at this stuff...... bleh. Go ahead and tell me how bad it is. And how short it is. I know.


"What. the. Hell. Are. You. Doing?" Jason asked, fighting to keep his voice under control. His chest heaved with heavy breaths, rising and falling quickly. His eyes bored through me.

"Hanging out....." I said, as if I didn't know what he was talking about. He eyed me and Ethan's entwined hands angrily. His eyes seemed to burn with jealousy, lit with an intensity that I'd never seen before.

"Get up," he commanded me. I shook my head stubbornly.

"But he's just your friend, right?" he said in a falsetto voice, imatating me. "That seems very friendly to me."

"About that-" I began, but Ethan cut me off.

"I've won her, Jason. You've lost. Stay away from her. She doesn't pick you, she picks me," he said angrily, standing up. At almost six feet, Ethan towered over me, but just met Jason's tall figure.

"Picks? Picks? What do you mean? You better stay out of this, Aarons. She can handle me just fine. It's none of your business," Jason spat out.

"My girlfriend's business is my business, Grey," Ethan said coldly. "Leave her alone. She can do whatever she wants. She's not yours. You rejected her, remember?"

"Girlfriend?!" Jason yelled, ignoring the rest of Ethan's comment. "I thought this bastard was just your firend?!" he yelled, turning to me. He was a foot away from me, and I could see his pulse angrily beating. I stood up.

"Why does it matter to YOU?!" I yelled, pushing him away from me angrily. "Who do you think you are?!"

Jason shoved me to the ground angrily. "Stay away from him!" he growled, then turning around. But Ethan wasn't going to let him leave that easily.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Ethan roared, jumping forward and throwing Jason to the ground. Jason pushed back and stood up. He swung a punch at Ethan's jaw, but Ethan ducked and then kicked him in the gut. Jason sucked in a breath and winced, but kept putting up a fight.

"Stop!" I yelled. The boys ignored me, and kept fighting, as if to the death. I ran up and squeezed in between them. Ethan immediatly tried to push me out of the way, but I stood my ground. Jason ignored me, and then swung a punch for Ethan's nose. Luckily, he ducked, but Jason's clenched fist brushed against my face.

And then it happened. I felt something explode out of me, like a force. I opened my eyes carefully, and saw that I was surrounded with a light blue orb. I'd only heard of them in legends. Force fields.

Jason was outside of it, but Ethan was just inside the field. Everyone looked at me in shock and awe, eyeing me with confusion, wonder, and new found respect.

"What the hell?" Jason said. I could only hear him vaguely. Ethan looked at me out of the corner of his eye and sent me a message through the mind link.

I think we need to call a pack meeting, love. I smiled at the last part and nodded, wondering how the pack would take the news.


An hour later, the entire pack was sitting at the round table, waiting for Ethan's explanation for my outburst of power. Word had traveled quickly, and soon the whole pack knew about what had happened.

Ethan held my hand under the table, and I smiled at him. You can do it, I said through the mind link.

I know, but what if they don't believe me? he asked nervously.

You're their alpha. You're my alpha. They will listen to you, I replied, nodding reassuringly. Jason was sulking in corner, eyeing me angrily. I ignored him and smiled again at Ethan.

He cleared his throat. "As many of you know, I had a meeting with the Queen yesterday, and Alyssa accompanied me. Although the meeting originally was just for tactics and such, the Queen revealed to us something very.... important.

"Many years ago, a prophecy was made about a warrior that would end the war between rogues and packs. This warrior would possess supernatrual abilities, far beyond every average wolf. The prophecy is about our very own Alyssa Carter. Although I can only disclose a certain amount of information to the pack, please let it be known that this information is incredibly important to keep secret as a pack. I hope you can rise to the challenge. Alyssa will be training and preparing for her duties throughout the upcoming months.

"As part of the prophecy, Alyssa was given a second chance mate, due to the rejection she was faced with years ago. This mate was selected by the Queen herself, and I am proud to say that she chose myself!" Here Ethan lost his professional tone and let the crazy grin spread across his face.

"WHAT?!" Jason roared.

I cringed, then spoke up. "There are other decisons that will come in the next months for me and Ethan. But I will make a choice, according the Queen, in six month's time. At that time, I hope you will allow me to become your Luna. Although I have a decision to make between my former mate and Ethan to be with, I am quite sure in my decision already. Thank you for supporting myself and Ethan during this wartime and new circumstance, and we will continue to keep the pack's best intrests in mind," I closed, ignoring the anger I was feeling from Jason.

As the pack filed out, promising their support and congradulations, and Blue Star avoiding eye contact, Jason was the last one out.

Ethan threw his arm around me and pulled me close as Jason approached. Jason, for the first time, ignored Ethan and leaned forward. His hot breath made me cringe as he whispered, "I will win you, Alyssa Carter. Just wait and see."

And with that, he disappeared into the night.


I know it was short! But I typed this on mobile bcuz you guys were deserving another chapter. Next chapter will be extra long, but first I need 20 VOTES 15 COMMENTS AND 2 FANS!

Love forever,


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